Everything I seem to want in clothing I can get for both body types. That makes my choice harder. So I'm going with both. It will take some work and patience and two different characters but I can always change from one to the other if I'm feeling bored or want to try on a new outfit. Though I have a feeling I will corrupt my save files. CBBE feels more like a fantasy style version. It also seems to have more lingerie for the body type. You can also mess with choices and sliders and eyebrows... UNP is more of the conserved lore-friendly mod. That sometimes has a wild side in clothing. Both have neck seam fixes if your willing to look for them. I started with UNP so that's the one I will probably stick with in the long run as I'm just more used to seeing that body type. So I guess it is a stormcloak or imperial choice. Funny how that happened, right? I feel like cake now.