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  1. In response to post #55959946. #55962041, #56036661 are all replies on the same post. @ Ethreon Stop being a troll. Anything is up for discussion. Nothing is ever written in stone. You don't own Nexus so stop speaking for them like you are somebody. You are just ticking off the community.
  2. In response to post #56003801. #56015706, #56020516, #56037426 are all replies on the same post. After I left this post, others were kind enough to dig up the mystery post from 40 pages back and bring it up here. Which wouldn't be an issue if that information was included in the original post to the community. You are right, there was definitely some confusion! I came back here and thought my posts got deleted at first. I looked around and discovered that they were being shifted around. I didn't attempt to "shame" anyone for this like you did though... " Do you not read anything before you post? Somebody clue this guy in, i'm to tired. Better yet, nobody tell him anything. " What part of that is NOT being a troll? Not to be cliche, but... Why can't be all just get along and discuss this like adults?
  3. In response to post #56026076. That, did not inspire anyone with confidence about what it happening. Even less so. If it's a matter of money, how much does Dark0ne want to forget this current new design idea and return to the old site? My brother is a project manager over a team of web designers, and he believes the "professional" you used for the new design has taken you all for a ride. I'd be totally willing to invest in the nexus if the old site were to remain. I was going to before I heard about all this new design nonsense. I will not invest in it if it's going to be turned into some amateur science project. Give us this option at least! Do the math and see how much it will take for you to forget about the new design, and see if the community is willing to pay it. Money talks right? There is absolutely nothing to lose by seeing if the community is willing to do this.
  4. In response to post #56012786. Thank you for being respectful and informative in your reply. There seems to be a lot of trolls under this bridge lately, lol. Ok, 18% mobile traffic. What is that traffic doing exactly? Looking at pictures, and leaving posts. NOT downloading mods, or uploading images. Rather than alter the entire site for less than 1/5 the traffic that can't even use most of the site's functions (Spock would have a seizure trying to comprehend the logic), it is WAY cheaper to have just improved the messenger and maybe the image section. That's all. The community wasn't listened to at all. We keep saying, "No new site", and just get ignored. Many of them are taking this topic to reddit to discuss it, because they just feel ignored here. We aren't going to hunt through 40 pages of trolling for some mystery post that probably should of just been stated clearly in the original announcement to begin with. That's just playing coy imo. Is it the community's fault that tons of money got dumped into this failure against our wishes? No. Our opinions are just being shrugged off, and we didn't come to this community for that. And now you have wanna-be fan boys trolling this thread just ticking people off even more. My my my....what an interesting mess this has become. One last thing, mobile traffic is almost always done over wireless. A form of internet that will never beat a wired connection. People have it in their heads that smartphones are real computers when they simply aren't. They are good for calls, texts, checking email...surfing the web, not so much. Better to use a tablet in that situation.
  5. In response to post #56003801. #56015706 is also a reply to the same post. I do, but apparently you don't. A slew of messages got moved in here, including a few of my own. No one is downloading mods, or uploading screens with their phones. It's a bad premise from the start. If anything, they could have made Nexus messenger into a mobile app and that WOULD have been useful. You are just trolling a comment considered "old" because a bunch of messages after this were moved. Respectfully, I don't need someone who's rude, and not even a modder to be telling me anything thank you.
  6. In response to post #56010081. Where is the common sense in mobile compatibility?! I wasn't aware that Skyrim was available for cell phones, and that you could install mods for it too! Sounds awesome! ;P I'll get a GTX 1070 installed on my Lumia 950 right away! The people who download and install mods on the nexus are primarily PC users. I wasn't aware that you had nexus mod manager available for android, ios, or windows 10 mobile. You can't use a cell phone to take screen shots in-game very well...so screen archers also use PCs! The ONLY time that I can think of for ever needing to use the nexus on my phone is if I wanted to leave a post about something, or reply to a message. It would have been smarter to make nexus messenger into a phone app, not the entire site. The entire premise of desktop and mobile compatibility is not a logical one when it comes to practical usage of the site to begin with. So pardon me, if I still feel like I'm not getting a decent answer here out of all those walls of semi-polite excuses. Resources are being wasted on making the community mad, when it could be applied elsewhere in ways that make much more sense!
  7. In response to post #55996416. #56001046 is also a reply to the same post. I mean, it's Dark0ne's site, and if he wants to shoot his own site in the foot, then that's his business. Been using this site without complaint for years until this entire "new design" came up. I'm doing my best to be polite by even referring to it as a "new design". It's completely unusable by most. I agree with CrossShot4. Have both, or else you'll alienate a lot of users and modders. Being rude and pushy to people isn't helping your cause either. Don't act like Comcast when you hardly have a monopoly ;P The site is ALREADY set up for both currently. It's fine the way it is now! Leaving you all free to do whatever you want with the new version side, while people can continue to enjoy the nexus experience they've enjoyed for years. Clearly, your intentions aren't geared toward the community, but more toward some weird form of pride in this new layout. Don't get me wrong, I love the Nexus. I go out of my way to make mods to help others, and I do my best to help others with problems, and I never asked once for a donation from others. But to force me to use a layout I hate, when they could give me the option to keep using the old site is just a slap in the face. Why should I go out of my way to make mods to make others happy when I'm just going to host them on a website that no longer shares my same interest in the community? Defeats the purpose. Also, I didn't see Dark0ne say anything specific in the original post about the destruction of the old site. He is allowed to change his mind. So I guess I should ask, are you speaking for him?
  8. All I hear about the new design is how buggy it is. Nothings been improved. Personally, I don't really care, as I exclusively only use the old links. Every time I land on the new design by accident...I just cringe. So I'm ok with the new design as long as it doesn't slow down performance on the old site links. I do hope there isn't a plan to eventually get rid of the old site links. I will have nothing to do with the nexus if I am forced to use the new design. Oh, you can also get rid of the annoying bar at the top trying to get me to use the new layout. It's just in my way, and being ignored.
  9. In response to post #55747751. #55747886, #55748161 are all replies on the same post. Even with those limits, people spam sets with the intention of pushing other sets out of view. Who really uses a filter to look at images? I rarely have. I like to see what's new.
  10. Ya know what really grinds my gears? The fact you guys are going through with this update to the site and IGNORING major things that would not only drastically improve site performance, but improve the quality of usage for the screenarcher community. What I speak of are limits that need to be established on posted image sets. Currently, screenarchers are capable of uploading TONS of back to back sets, effectively pushing the sets of less prolific posters out of the spotlight to be seen by others. Naturally, this has to have a huge drag on the site. It is my belief, as well as many others, that a time limit, and a daily number limit on uploaded sets would turn all of that around. For instance, only allow a set to be uploaded per user every 15 minutes. Allow for a maximum of like 10 sets a day. Just establishing those limits would also encourage screenarchers to produce quality over quantity, and many other screenarchers would get more exposure for their sets. I respectfully ask that you please consider these limits, if improving site performance is really the goal and not just a "new look".
  11. I'm really unsure as to why this update is needed. If the logic is to make it speedier for users, then it's flawed. This site runs almost instantly for me on a machine from 2011, and I run my ethernet through usb because lightning fried my ethernet port, LOL. If people are complaining about this site being slow, then they are on wireless, have a slow internet package, or have other issues with their machine or network. I agree with everyone else when they say that the new design just looks like a smartphone app gone wrong, no offense. Just because Microsoft tried to turn every desktop out there into a smartphone with Windows 10 doesn't mean that every website out there has to as well.
  12. Hello all, the mod I'm working on is this currently: Keeper Carcette Survives http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/83350/ http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/9476/ I'd like my new Carcette, as well as 3 others, to spawn at the End of the Awakening Quest in the Dawnguard Questline. DLC1VQ01 stage 200 I'm trying to accomplish this by having the npc's starting initially disabled. As per steve40's advice, I'd like to add a little fragment at that quest stage that enables the npcs. I just have to add the NPC ref to the fragment as a property. steve40 was kind enough to give me enough information to get started, but unfortunately for me, I seem to be VERY dense when it comes to scripting/quests. I have read and re-read all the Creation Kit tutorials on this, but it wasn't a clear enough answer for me. I'm actually pretty good with the Creation Kit, but this element of it totally escapes me. Rather than continue to bug my friend about it, I figured I'd approach the community for help on this one. I REALLY want to learn how to do this! I feel like I'm just a few steps away from getting this to work. Any help on this would greatly be appreciated! I'd need a very specific step-by-step explanation that even a novice can understand. Seriously, the instructions must be fed to me like baby food, LMAO! If no one is up to the task of explaining this to me, then I am open to inviting another modder on-board the project if they are interested in sorting that part out. Thank you everyone for your support thus far!
  13. Hello all, I have been developing a mod for sometime now, and I'm making this announcement due to the fact that I'll be releasing it within a week. This is the only spoiler I'll give in regards to it: I apologize if you think the spoiler wasn't much of a spoiler, but that is intentional on my part. Alot of lore lovers will wonder why this wasn't created years ago. This mod will incorporate skills and tricks I've never deployed before in any of my mods. From the start, I've been working on a must-have to the load order. Alot of my mods tends to be a continuation of another's work, but this will be 100% all me from the start. Keep an eye out, I'm sure you won't miss it ;)
  14. In response to post #39665590. #39665740, #39665835, #39665905, #39673125, #39673695, #39679360, #39680290, #39680800 are all replies on the same post. If you have to keep track of time to be aware of how much you are screwing up, then you probably shouldn't be releasing mods yet -_- Speaking as a modder, I get mad at myself if I mess up AT ALL. Much less keep track of how much of my own time I'm wasting >_>
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