Alright, so, I'm guessing a LOT of people have played the Knights of the nine revelation mod. Right? Remember Sotha Sil's awesome shield? I'm trying to get that particular shield to work with the "Addon for Shield on back V31" mod. So, following the...decent instructions on how to make a shield work for SOB (Those instructions being at the bottom of the page I linked above) I used BSA Commander to extract the shield's meshes, textures, and icon from the KOTN:R BSA, I copied and renamed the mesh to .bck, and I started a new mod, made the SOB.esm the master (Along with Oblivion.esm), created a new shield, did the whole process of setting it up, set the script to svaTychoShieldBackScn, saved aaaaaand...doesn't work. I can get in game and see the shield, but it doesn't appear on my back like it should. Can somebody point me in the right direction on this? I really adore this shield. Edit: updated folder structure. Still didn't work. Current Meshes: Folder name: Pale_Rider_Paladin Shield.bck Shield.nif (Saw similarities with other folders for the SOB items. Figured I'd try it.) Shieldgareth - copy.nif (Copy of the original) Shieldgareth.bck Shieldgareth.bcs (Saw somebody in the comments mention "BCS") Shieldgareth.nif Current textures: Folder name: Pale_Rider_paladin Shield.bck Shield_n - (Going to be renamed to .bck. Have to restart computer first as it's being weird) Shield1.bck Shield1_n - (Same deal here too. Covering all the bases) Shield1_n.dds