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About millosian

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    Oblivon and FNV

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  1. Fallout never gave me that problem, so this is why im asking. I use razor game booster, but i like to get every bit of lag help i can ;) any idea how to change the settings then?
  2. Hi I'm using OBSE and i tried to use 4 GB launcher so that the game would run better, but the two don't seem compatible. If i launch using 4 Gb then OBSE wont run, and vice versa. Seeing how both are huge and used a lot, there must be a work around I'm missing, so what is it?
  3. I'm playing the dlc knights of the nine, and i've run into a problem. When i go to get the helmet of the crusader, Amiels skelton is gone. In its place is just his sword and shield. I cant find the proper ids for his journal or the ring, so i cant just add them to my inventory. My game is fully patched, and I dont have any mods that should be interfering with it. Does anyone have working ids or a workaround?
  4. What do you mean manually downloading the patches? I got this from the gamestop app, which it says isnt supported by OBSE. My friend just copied his Oblivion.exe on to a flash drive and i replaced the one in my folder with it, and OBSE works now.
  5. Well i was gonna get OBSE, but it says it will not work with any digital version of Oblivion other than Steam, and i tried but it tells me i have an unknown version. I got it from gamestop, so is there no way to use it then? Am i stuck using mods that don't require it, or is this a different problem?
  6. Okay, i figured so. problem is, its a esp, so i can't change its load order. Guess ill attempt the GECK
  7. I'm not an experienced modder, but I've learned a few things thanks to my own errors :P Maybe a certain mod uses the same cell? My game sometimes just randomly CTs when I enter a cell just cause it's been running for a long time. Sorry if i'm not really helping
  8. When i use a mod that adds a race, like foxraces or zangestu, only the added race will use the hair style mod such as lings and the original races go to default hairstyles. Normally it wouldn't bug me, but all npcs and my character are affected. Is their anyway to fix it using GECK or maybe bash tagging it?
  9. I do the quest to find moria and once i get to the point where im looking for birthday girls toy, I ask around on the strip and find out the location of the hide out but the quest, and hideout never update. i read somewhere to use the old esm before starting this quest, then overwrite it once i find her but the old esm is not on the nexus. Is there anyway around this?
  10. Ok, shame i have to pay more money for it. As for the console thing, don't worry, I've already dealt with that issue before. Thank you both for the help
  11. I have both the xbox and pc version of FNV, but i only have the dlc for xbox. Is there anyway i can transfer the dlc to my pc? I know a xbox save can be changed into a working pc save by changing the file type. Could this work for the dlc also? Or is there somewhere on bethesdas website that i can verify it own it and it is unlocked for all my accounts across multiple consoles like with certain bioware games?
  12. Thank you, i found it on google. I assume i manually install it?
  13. Hello i recently downloaded the moonshadow race and it needs "Anthony Lings (something or other)" and when i clicked on the given link it said the file didnt exist. i searched, found another mod needing it, but still can not find it. The mod will not work with out it, and neither will shilohs desert succubus. has the file been renamed, moved, and is there anyway i can bypass this or get ahold of it? Thank you in advance.
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