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Posts posted by LoofSquared

  1. I am sorry to say this, but dragons dont have their own realm, its an Akaviri race (there are 4) from the continent Akavir. they werent seen on tamriel for ages. But i think that Alduin (its an nordic variant of Akatosh) has come back to start an new world, as it did before. And he came back in the physical form of an dragon, so yeah we could see the realm of Akatosh maybe.. (hopefully!)


    You're referring to Ka Po' Tun, the cat people, also called the tiger-dragon people but that's just because of their admiring of dragons. Dragons themselves are NOT one of the four races of Akaviri people, dragons simply are a reptilian race and though mostly from Akavir, also existed on the main continent before their Nirn wide "extinction". As the nature of dragons is magical, they are intelligent reptiles after all capable of spellcasting, they might as well have been hiding in another realm, who knows.

  2. A vampire, definitely. Though does it make any sense I want my character to be a semi-good aligned vampire who though preys on people, steals and murders, tries always to be good to those he respects and deems worthy of so?
  3. There is a game engine limitation that prevents a nice-looking vampire from feeding. The game will only allow what it defines as a vampire to use the animations and feed to get the effects. The only things it defines as vampires are those with a certain "ability." Abilities are sort of like the greater powers, lesser powers, diseases, and curses. You can only feed when you have this ability, and this ability makes you ugly.


    Just a quick question if you're there for answering; how does this work? Are you exactly sure? I could bet my mother I've been able to feed as a vampire character while the ugly face morphing was completely disabled.




  4. Breaking anything is quite impossible, freezing lakes and lighting up fireplaces is another thing. Now, freezing lakes, although possible, would be the harder of these two to accomplish (most probably) as there are many lakes and bodies of water, some too huge to simply do it. Freezing a lake would require an activator box the size of the lake, or many affecting to a same object, and an object (ice layer) that then is added to a pre-selected placing by a script when an ice type of spell passes through the activator, at least by my understanding. Lighting and dousing flames has already been done on some mods, although I cannot reference any as of now, blaming my bad memory. This could quite be done by simply replacing all the objects with a flame on them with activators resembling the object (unlit torches with an activator, with a script lighting them up when a fire spell hits them and dousing them when an ice spell hits), same with logs in fireplaces and braziers and such. I cannot do this though, I have a fairly limited knowledge of scripting myself, if someone would be willing to do it, I'm fully supporting the idea.
  5. Although for sure we cannot have the interiors properly done in exterior space, the bigger taverns could be done fairly easily, although the exterior models would also have to be re-modeled in model editor, for example, Blender. If and when I get Oblivion installed (on this new computer) I would be willing to do this, adding more space to the taverns, we'll see. Don't expect too anxiously though, knowing myself it'll take some time even if I would start doing it.
  6. whilst stroking my fluffy kitten

    Is that what the kids call it nowadays?



    Quite unfortunately it does seem so, quite odd..


    And also, I'll be waiting anxiously, I'm already having weird shakes and goosebumps thinking about the release of Skyrim!








    I just realized I use the world "quite" quite a lot again, quite weird, isn't it?

  7. I'll be first buying it for PC, that's for sure. Playing it for a while like that, then when the price comes down most probably pick it up for PS3 for the occasional "*lies in bed* Damn I can't be bothered to get up from here *picks up the controller and starts Skyrim*."
  8. Quite probably dark elf, if it's still possible to make a beautiful dark elf male that is, I actually succeeded in that quite well in Oblivion. I do hope they have the level of customization which lets me actually remove all the angular face features and grittiness, and oh, of course make the male character skinny and barely muscular, the acrobatic kind of looking one!
  9. I've been working on a small food items addition / cooking / food store kind of a mod,

    mostly in my head doing the thinking part, although I do have some models and textures done and added.

    Now there's this thing; I'm adding an enormous pile of new food items, and I want to cook them,

    how should I incorporate cooking with these custom items? Let me give you an example:


    You have some mod-added meat with you, you want to cook something off of it,

    but cooking requires other ingredients. Now how do you use all of this?

    Should I add a special kind of a cooking pot to do the thing?

    That might work, but if I do, you could only cook in the one single cooking pot, plus; not everything is cooked in a pot.


    I'm most probably just lengthening my question unnecessarily, might be the fact that I'm confusing even myself here.

    So, the actual question is; is there a better way to do it?


    (Also, although I can easily do everything else, my scripting skills are nonexistent,

    so whatever the solution might be, I'd be glad if you, the dear person who answers my question, could provide me with some scripting help.)

  10. For a capable animator, the walking and running you're asking is a no problem at all. If I got the weapons right, you're saying they should be hovering in the air, and when the player presses the attack button the character, for example, points his/her hand towards the target and the weapon flies there to slash it? For that, I'm not quite sure if it's possible, I don't recall seeing a part of the skeleton that has the weapon on it, so my guess is the weapons are attached to the hand bones, which would make them simply move where the hand does, I could be wrong though as I'm no animator. Keep asking around, I'd be also interested in such a set of animations.
  11. Harder-to-cast spells could also fail, backfire and produce unintended effects if you haven't been practicing that specific school of magic / the specific spell enough, just a thought.
  12. The world space is about half a complete. Decided to go the easier way and not add meshes or textures of my own (it's amazing what you can do with the original tiles Bethesda provided us when you just think them a bit differently), so it's basically an Oblivion plane re-imagined to be good looking, and with a story in it! Interior for it, I thought, could be called "The Soulforge" or something similar, know what I'm referring to? That's right, an actual weapon factory of the dremora, a place where they imbue their armor and weapons with souls. (Bosses still planned? Could use a Dremora Forge Master and human slave workers). There was some land tearing that slowed me down a bit when I re-loaded the file, but I've now sorted it out. And heeere's a shot from the CS. Not quite like the original Oblivion planes, and yes, it is a gigantic tower kept in air by five huge pillars.




  13. Ahh, thank you I can participate in this! I've been looking for something to do for quite a while, for I've had a complete lack of ideas. I'll start making the first one pretty much.. right now (even though it IS a bit late). I already have an amazing idea in my mind.. well, you'll see. (:
  14. Oi! I wanna' try my hand at making Oblivion areas! If I do say.. one or two new areas, will you handle the activators and daedra? What my productivity is, that's all another thing.. I might get it done or might not, time is not always on my side and my designing of areas and interiors is always.. interesting, interestingly detailed that is. (<--- takes time)
  15. The actual model is done, I suppose. I wouldn't start editing it more, for it's already pretty detailed (3 and a half thousand verts compared to the usual 5 to 8 hundred the Oblivion' swords have). I'll just do the UV mapping and paint the texture in and it'll be done. Then there's of course the question; where do you want it to be found? Or do you want to place it in game yourself? That way I'd only have to upload the model and texture. Either way, it's not long from being finished.


  16. That it'll be then, I already started yesterday when I posted at first. Now, when I finally woke up, I'll continue, shouldn't take too long but don't expect miracles, it's not complete the instant I start it. :P
  17. Doesn't look like too hard to make (the sword I mean) and I've just got some spare time. So, would you want it wrapped in a box with a ribbon? Meaning; shall I texture it like it is with plain colors or have it look like more realistic? (:
  18. Me, I'm pretty much myself in Tamriel. I collect useless stuff, memories of my travels (body parts included). Pelvis of Pelagius ? Heck yes! Mother's Head? Tastee!

    Whatever it is, if it's unique and cool, I want it, I'll steal for it! I also can't keep myself from stealing peoples hard earned cash, kind of a bad habit, but it's fun and gets you your bread (and castles). I've also been testing a mod of my own, a collection of a kind, a collection of corpses! A hall underground (inspired by Lovecrafts stories). There'll be some lorewise known corpses, for an example, Pelagius the Mad. Oh, but now I started about the mod, oh well..


    Yes, I'm a collector, a thief, a graverobber, a murderer (in some way), but I have a strong sense of being fair, kinda' funny, isn't it? I feel bad for murdering someone or something innocent, I could never even kill a fly if it didn't bite me! And I'd never steal from the poor, never! But I see the society as rotten, many people are selfish idiots, and for them, I feel no regret of stealing from them. And in the end, that's the way the world goes, the strong beat the weak, in this case, with stealing.


    So this is.. 99% of me, just that I do not murder and never kill animals, I do things for my own good mostly, but still help the weak and poor and change my mind in a split second. So, borrowing D&D, Chaotic Neutral, am I correct?

  19. Dear David Brasher, you just made me to think of an unimaginably crazy,

    but actually very simple idea, that much crazy I decided to throw it in..


    About pickpocketing hearts..


    What if you actually were that much of a master thief,

    you could literally stole peoples hearts unnoticed (with a sharp knife of some sort)

    and make them fall to the ground dead ?

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