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Everything posted by dariuswolfe

  1. I appreciate the efforts ya'll're taking. I just reinstalled an Adblocker on my browser (for whatever reason, I uninstalled one a couple years ago) and saw the filler image you guys have. I turned off the Adblocker, then remembered that I'd seen this post, and came to read the rest. I appreciate the hell out of the Nexus, and I don't pay a thing for the services y'all provide, so I'm perfectly okay with ads, so long as they're not disruptive (which, as others have mentioned, they sometimes are). So, I'm definitely gratified to hear that I'll be getting a boost to my download speed, absolutely free.
  2. For unenchanting, I offer up my own Enchantment Removal v2.1 It unenchants any equip-able item, and for many (exception: most apparel; still working on that) returns a filled soul gem. It's a simple mod, just go get the book from Hrotanda Vale and you're set. It's good if you don't want a more full-featured mod like some of those listed above.
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