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Everything posted by steelfiredragon

  1. getting norton saying unsafe site blocked here?? I've been getting that here on nexus for the past 10 minutes....
  2. waiting for engine fixes to update. that is what I am doing
  3. alternate to engine fixes for the current build of skyrim?
  4. can someone do the Sword of Omens from thunder cats? I dont really care if it the 1980s version or the 2000 something version
  5. and if so how do I do it? wanna turn clockwork's esp into one for my own use.
  6. anyway it does the light enchantment when not in sneak and when you're sneaking it does night eye instead. all on a circlet if it is possible
  7. you know what ... I think I might know what it is
  8. no enslavement mods active. i've noticed it 2 play throughs ago and didnt pay it much attention. and other than dlc sized mods, nothing has been installed and some of those were not on at all 2 playthroughs ago.
  9. as the title says, the bandits are not attacking me when I get near them, they attack my horse. Anyone have any ideas, perhaps one of the creation club mods?
  10. can someone tell me how to do the spoiler tag thing so I can post a crash logger on a bug section on a mod.
  11. the house redoran guard shield from morrowind https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Redoran_Guard_Shield
  12. how do people get the golden skintone on them, all I seem to get is the more wood elf looking ones.. should I ditch racemenu ( even though it's required for high heels) for the other one?
  13. ysolda aint strong, and hulda is dumb. Olivia is strong and smart. she should run the mare.
  14. I kill Hulda and ysolda, does Olfina Greymane take over the bannered mare? or is this double homicide not worth the effort?
  15. yeah. 4thunknown is one of them. His mods are all set to hidden.
  16. I'm crashing inside whiterun when I turn the map on. is there a netscript framework thing for AE?
  17. that removes the borders in skyrim still work in AE?
  18. one of its requirements is not AE compatible. found that out not long after I posted the question
  19. I know of a nsfw mod that does part of that. it has issues. +1 more for sfw version.
  20. I would like a mod that alters the weddings so that you have helped atleast 3 people in the city. Then you show up in the rumor section " People have been talking about you and wondering if you are single" or some similar line. This is atleast 3 people in each city to get in the rumor section of each town. the line would show up in only the towns/cities where you have helped atleast 3 people.
  21. I think I know of one more past this one. I'm nott 100% sure on it, but it is on that site that shall not be named https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/33813
  22. that lastone thevampiredante is more of a kite shield. but the vanilla greatswords are not greatswords by the definition of greatsword so..... anyway let me add two more tothe list https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/15076 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/49783 and one of these two is more of a kite shield too.....
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