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About alienzerox

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  1. +1 it does get boring after all gigs/side jobs are done, had to google stuff to do and found that there are sets of clothing to look for but after that what done only thing left was killing spree but that get redundant after a few so yeah repopulating sides and gigs would be great!
  2. It's been a while since I got excited about a game, I remember way back when my first "Mech" game was FROM SOFTWARE ARMORED CORE for the OG Playstation and I was hooked then I got into building PCs so the first game I bought was Heavy Gears 2 which had an overly complicated keyboard control layout that I had to spend a lot of time getting used to at the end i had to print out my key stroke list and tape it on the bottom of my CRT display .... fun times indeed!
  3. LinGons Trainer if you are not opposed to using it ... Cheat Engine Forums .. type in dying light lingon in search or you can do it in google
  4. the mod may have been taken down, which one was it? I'll try to dl it myself
  5. what do you mean by bottom left of Google .... Have you checked in your download folder location. you will need to use an archiving tool to open it like WinRar or 7zip then follow the directions from the author on where to place them.
  6. Not saying it's not up to you so you can do what you want, I wouldn't use a mod that disables one of the main enemies in the game and I have been "neck-deep" it was on the bridge at night during a mission, I had to die a few times before figuring out how to avoid the encounters, that wasn't the only time there were many other times when thing became dicey so don't assume.
  7. I would love to get a quest to raid the local cop shop or gun shop for weapons and armor or is that too far fetched? I mean we get a propelled grappling hook that spiderman would be proud to use and a shield that can have elemental properties, but too bad it can't be at the same time with a pistol or melee weapon ... a crossbow would be cool too
  8. once you gain the camouflage skill you will be able to sneak up on any non-human and snap their neck except for the big ones, they take a bit of work to take down
  9. on that note I like to chime in that you should only be able to mod / upgrade weapons at a bench or workshop, makeshift macgyvering only available if you have the survival skill ... the whole infinite carry capacity of crafting material is a joke IMHO
  10. that is why we need a sound suppressor mod ... I personally like it that you risk the chance of an aggro if you make a loud noise ... using loud ranged weapons is only one of the triggers, the others are explosions, car alarms & the rarer security alarm which can cause a horde of them to attack you. but totally disabling virals .... no I don't think so because the game would be pretty boring without the variety, If I died because I decided to use a firearm instead of melee or missed a grab while jumping, it's on me, I actually would like to see zombie dogs & sea creatures like sharks because it is totally safe if you jump into the water and I don't want it to be.
  11. So I just finished the main story line for the first time and my overall impression is that this game could be so much better in immersion if there was a weight limit & an encumbrance hit if you start to carry too many items. I mean this is a parkour style evade or take down zombies game, you don't even carry a bag so how is it that at the end of my session I have over 100 tin cans, power cords, duct tape, string, electronics --- the list goes on --- and let's not forget the slew of weapons + firearms, but still I manage to scamper up the side of a building with no issues. Out of curiosity, I Binged the average weight of a cell phone (electronics) which is 200 grams, I multiplied it by 100 = 20000 grams = 44 pounds... that is heavy and bulky plus that is just one of the items. So I have superhuman strength but I'm so stupid that can't even figure out how to jury rig a makeshift sound suppressor with duct tape and plastic bottle. C'mon Techland, please allow us mod the game --- it will be epic just STALKER or FO New Vegas
  12. you would need to use that regardless but for me to actually get the mods to reactivate was to use the optional file (gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll) found here which the patch overwrites.
  13. VMods Suite has a nice binocular mod included in the collection
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