So I just finished the main story line for the first time and my overall impression is that this game could be so much better in immersion if there was a weight limit & an encumbrance hit if you start to carry too many items. I mean this is a parkour style evade or take down zombies game, you don't even carry a bag so how is it that at the end of my session I have over 100 tin cans, power cords, duct tape, string, electronics --- the list goes on --- and let's not forget the slew of weapons + firearms, but still I manage to scamper up the side of a building with no issues. Out of curiosity, I Binged the average weight of a cell phone (electronics) which is 200 grams, I multiplied it by 100 = 20000 grams = 44 pounds... that is heavy and bulky plus that is just one of the items. So I have superhuman strength but I'm so stupid that can't even figure out how to jury rig a makeshift sound suppressor with duct tape and plastic bottle. C'mon Techland, please allow us mod the game --- it will be epic just STALKER or FO New Vegas