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About Herculine

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    United States
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    DC Universe Online
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    classic Doom

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  1. How can I keep a leveled creature (the kind that looks like a big "M" in the CS) from respawning after three days? (There's no check box for this, so I'm stumped. Also, I don't know jack about scripting.)
  2. You could use Wrye Bash to import all their faces from game saves to a plugin, then make those NPCs into companions.
  3. (The following question is not a personal attack; it is a general question going out to anyone who shares this opinion.) If guys playing female characters in MMO/RPG games is creepy, isn't it also creepy for a guy to direct Lara Croft or BloodRayne through a series of digital obstacles?
  4. exactly. Much of rpg playing is in fact basically playing with a doll.. you dress it up make it look cool and spend HOURS AND HOURS looking at it.. so for me.. I just prefer to look at the female body to a males... it is that simple. The only problem is that you project onto the model differently (at least for me). As in the character becomes "someone else" and not "yourself". I think people that play the "correct" sex have more of a relationship that is about them being the character. While playing an opposite sex character or in some cases a monster type the game becomes more like a film where you project as a "friend" of the character. Say you watch a James Bond film.. you hear guys going "James Bond is so awesome" when playing a opposite sex character you also have that same kind of reaction.. I don't think I've ever read that particular point brought up before in threads like this, but it's a good one. It's for exactly that reason that "RPG" games like The Witcher don't feel immersive to me; I enjoy playing them well enough and like the characters, but I'll never feel like the main character is me.
  5. I think this is a great suggestion for Bethesda as it would be lucrative for them. Soon to be released is the Doom 3 BFG Edition; though it is just a re-release of that game with enhanced visuals and some minor new content, it already has guaranteed sales. I'd totally buy a Morrowind Nerevarine Edition!
  6. What program can be used to safely edit CDX, DBF & FPT files?
  7. That does indeed seem very user-friendly (reminds me a bit of the TES Gecko). Thanks for the links; it likely would have taken me forever to find that. A Kudos point for all your help.
  8. I'll keep that in mind. Thanks again. I don't know much about modding the game (yet); is there a way I can add that to the module's .hak file to avoid such complications (and are there good reasons why the author would not have done so)?
  9. Thanks for the reply; that was just what I needed to know. Since my initial post, I managed to track down where I had downloaded the mod from last summer (a task that would have been made much easier if the author had included proper documentation with the mod or named its files something at least similar to the actual title of the mod, which also could have eliminated the need for this thread altogether http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/wallbash.gif) and I discovered that the file is only supposed to contain two prestige classes needed by characters in the mod. If that is indeed true, then it should be okay to leave the file in the override folder indefinitely, right? Anyway, thanks again for the reply and I apologize for taking up space here with this as I apparently could have tried a bit harder to find the answer myself before posting!http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/whistling.gif
  10. Until today I thought I pretty much had the hang of installing NWN mods (i.e. I know where the most common mod elements get put in the game's installation folder). However, I just downloaded a mod that contains a .2da file, and I have absolutely no idea what it is or where to put it. I tried Googling and searching some other forums, but it looks like tracking down the answer to my question through those venues will require several days of reading text walls (which I'd prefer to avoid). Any help here would be greatly appreciated.
  11. Thanks. The simple instructions there (things I should have thought of!) were exactly what I needed. The game is running fine now, in fact better than before as my cursor is no longer invisible in full-screen mode. Thanks!
  12. About a year ago I was playing NWN on Windows 7 Home Premium just fine, but after a year of Microsoft's wonderful updates now the game will not launch and I get a message stating that it is not compatible with this version of Windows. I've tried running it in different compatibility modes but with no luck. (UAC is off; the game is not on a "C" drive.) Anybody have any helpful suggestions? They would be greatly appreciated as I still have much of the game and its mods yet to play.
  13. That's probably a safe bet, though NCIS scripts often reference such memes so I'd also wager that there's simply someone in the office assigned to keep an eye on the latest trends.
  14. I've re-uploaded the archive in a more user-friendly format HERE.
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