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About Christi7an

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  1. I have multiple characters which are all related to each other and have intertwining backstories. Would be nice if I could have all my other characters be NPC followers. I wanna fight alongside them.
  2. +1 There are mods which are great for an Amnesia-themed quest mod, like Wearable Lanterns and Mike Foxs Darker Dungeons.
  3. Download combat enhancers like Deadly Combat, Enhanced Enemy AI and Deadly Dragons. And as the guys above me said, make your Smithing skill Legendary (it'll reset the skill to level 15). Skyrim Redone does a good job at balancing extremely overpowered skills like Sneak and Smithing, although it's a complete overhaul of the game.
  4. As far as I'm aware of, the vampires from the Danwguard DLC are the only ones in the history of TES to have yellow glowing eyes. I'm curious as to whether this is unique to the Sanguinare Vampiris vampires or all the other vampiric strains have them. The Porphyric Hemophilia vampires from Oblivion didn't have glowing eyes, neither did any of the vampire clans from Morrowind. And these glowing eyes seem to be present in all other vampires in Skyrim, whether they were vampire lords or not. P.S. How do the vampires mingle with the crowd with eyes like that? Shouldn't the glow die down after feeding? It's so obvious...
  5. I personally quite like Farengar's voice. The one that annoys me the most probably are the old women's voices.
  6. Here. Staves of Skyrim by Kearsage. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22691//? This may be exactly what you were looking for.
  7. Lol me too. It's hilarious in a way. XD
  8. Nice idea. Only problem that could crop up is the inevitable armor clipping, but that's just a minor issue nearly all armors experience. Maybe the authors of mods like Dual Sheath Redux can do this? :)
  9. + 1 Maybe after a certain amount of in-game days, a darker variation of the vanilla "Burnt/Charred Corpse" texture can be gradually applied to bodies, giving it a rotten look?
  10. I agree with you man. I didn't really like any of the vanilla hairstyles much, but all other hair mods I've seen out there are far worse than vanilla in my opinion. For example, the Apachii Skyhair mod. I'm not saying it's a bad mod... I respect the modder for putting in the effort and there are many people who appreciate it, but as you said, it looks out of place, ugly (the textures - excessively glossy and smooth), and lore-unfriendly (especially the anime ones). I really want more decent looking vanilla-style short hair for males (and females), but after much searching, haven't found such a mod.
  11. If there were such a feature, you could jump down on enemies and time your sneak attack for an aerial assassination like in the AC games! :D
  12. I really love this idea. Very immersive and very fun. It would be quite difficult to create though, but the modding community has some serious talent. There is this mod called Real First Person View or The Joy Of Perspective or something which allows you to see your character's body and all that stuff, so it is possible that something like this could be created, with a lot of effort. I wonder why Bethesda didn't include this in vanilla Skyrim.
  13. I'm not talking about new killcam/finishing move animations like The Dance Of Death, but a simple mod adding animations from vanilla killcams to power attacks. The TK Combat mod did a similar thing but I don't fancy the new spells and effects added or the way it worked (some spells were kinda lore-unfriendly in a way). For example, if you perform a forward power attack with a one-handed/two-handed sword, instead of always performing the same sword charge over and over again, there could be a chance of the two-handed sword backstab killcam animation playing. This mod wouldn't modify the combat system at all but it should enhance the overall experience quite a lot (hopefully). Since it doesn't require modders to animate, but rather to add already existing animations to combat, I would imagine it shouldn't be overly difficult to create.
  14. Peryite's Spellbreaker Shield does have this effect, and there are Restoration Ward spells for mages, but strangely there are no Ward Enchantments in the game? It would be cool if you could enchant any shield or weapon with it and have certain mage NPCs use it, and it is very lore-friendly. It shouldn't be too hard to mod into the game, but I'm no modder so I could be wrong.
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