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Everything posted by boomnuke35

  1. I was looking foward to being a werewolf in skyrim but then I realized how it kinda sucked. The biggest thing that bothers me is that being a werewolf is supposed to be a curse, yet you can control it by using just a spell like thing and it only last a little while. I would like it to be like a curse so like when the moons came out you were forced to be one and I had to plan out better when you were in cities and areas like that; this would actually give it the feeling of a curse. The time that you stayed a werewolf should last the whole night to as that makes more sense than 60seconds. But so it's not annoying never being at a place at night being a werewolf there should be a potion you can buy that will make you stay human but only for the night so you have to stock up. These are ideas for a mod that would help but I want to hear others so please feel free to contribute your ideas too. Not much can be done with out the creation kit at the moment but when it does I'm sure we will be all over that thing.
  2. The first DLC will be on 360 first they already announced that but never said what it was or if it would be exclusive only to 360(which I doubt)
  3. Hopefully Bethesda will release the kit at least before Christmas because these just texture mods aren't fufilling enough as like a real mod.
  4. well you can mod Console game if you have Mod ps3,xbox 360 that can access the Files folder I think its a little more complicated than that and mods you maybe be talking about just mess with little things not real mods that we make I may be wrong on that as modding the Xbox is one of my strong suits
  5. Apprently Bethesda did want mods on consoles as it says here http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/109378-Bethesda-Wants-Skyrim-Mods-on-Consoles But it seems like it was just talk and never confirmed that they were going to do it.
  6. I don't think The CK or even the mods will go to consoles because there the problem of sharing them and also the problem of the content on the mods, because I really don't think Microsoft or Sony would let there be nude mod or animated prostitution on their consoles for example. I get my mods from nexus and if the mods were to go on the console people would have to upload them themselves there and not nexus or another mod sharing site. So maybe there could be some mods on the console but they would probably suck unless the consoles had some deal with one of the mod sharing websites. And what about the script extender that's bound to come out? You Cant play that on the console. Mods on console are pretty much impossibile For now with manu factors going against it even installing them would be hard.
  7. And about the kit being on console I dont really think that's possible because if it was on console they would deffinently have to strip the kit down
  8. I'm just hoping that that the reason they haven't released it yet isn't because they have some deal with Microsoft to wait, because the creation kit is what makes pc triumph over console.
  9. All I've managed to find out about a release date is "very soon" -___- that helps.
  10. This is talk about the creation kit for skyrim. For now itll have to be about a relase date for it. Which by the way does anybody have any idea when? I hear this will be more user friendly than the creation kits for oblivion and the fallouts. Feel free to post any information about it even after it comes out. The kit will be released in January as stated here http://www.bethblog.com/2011/12/01/skyrim-what-were-working-on/ Steam is being Integrated with the creation kit now mods will be there too. Where will you put your mods?
  11. Every disembemberment results in a big explosion does anyone know a solution to this problem?
  12. Hey to change him from a nov to companion I'm sure there's some sorta script to use so he will cahnfe when the conditions are met any idea watt this script should be
  13. Ok I added another thing imma need help with
  14. Ha wow thnk u for the help I'll try to get started working on it tonight
  15. Ok but might u be able to explain how to do tht but like in greater detail. Thnk u
  16. Hm thanks for the ideas I'll try to mess around with geck later see if I can make something work
  17. how do u make like the inside of a building change like after u leave and do a quest tht should like improve the building so wen u come bak it should look different so like how would u do that in the geck next I need help making a quest involving a companion but I've never been able to get tht to work, I've been able to make companions before but the companion never stays where he's supposed to be and the quest never works. If anybody could help me it would be greatly appreciated=). * would any one with modeling or texturing skills or even good scripting skills be willing to help make this mod.
  18. The game crashes when i check the classic pack esm anyone know how to fix this
  19. They are jet black all over by the way
  20. All the eyes in my game are black and its kind of annoying now i was wondering which mod could be doing this aand how to fix it
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