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Everything posted by gamerscircle

  1. 1.) Uninstalled Vortex - Via the control panel [Vortex-1-0-17-11-1554901229.exe]2.) Uninstalled Fallout 4 - Via Steam3.) Rebooted4.) Verified that the Fallout 4 was gone5.) Installed Fallout ; after install unchecked the "High Resolution Texture Pack"6.) Installed Vortex; after it installed and ran, I ran into the same issue, but vortex seemed to think it was still managing Fallout 47.) I used Revo Unistaller Pro to uninstall Vortex8.) Re-installed Vortex and got no errors , accepted that Vortex will handle NMM links.9.) Logged onto the NMM website with my default browser.10.) From the Vortex dashboard, I clicked on the little red head icon [upper right] and was prompted to log in on website. [pressed button], browser tab opened and I pressed the authorize button .11.) Via Vortex, I clicked on the games tab, there was Zero manged games and [7] Discovered12.] I hovered my mouse over Fallout 4 and clicked Manage. Vortex gave me a busy mouse for just a couple of seconds and I have 3 alerts. a.) Mods can't be deployedb.) Loose files may not get loadedc.) failed to sun from profile 13.) For Mods can't be deployed I clicked on "Fix" , read the dialog and then clicked on fix that took me to the "mods" tab where I clicked on "suggest" [the path was updated to the same drive that the game was installed on] I clicked apply. I got a dialog stating that the destination folder has to be empty, since I had an previous install of vortex, there was a folder with fallout 4 folder. I removed the fallout4 folder and the dialog went away. 14.) For Loose files may not get loaded - I clicked on the fix and the prompt went away.15.) For failed to sun from profile - I clicked dismiss16.) I then went to the NMM site and located a mod to install " Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch " [ 4598 ] and clicked Download: [Vortex] button17.) The mod downloaded via Vortex, clicked on the install button , then after the install I clicked on the Enable button.
  2. Just as a follow up, in order to get Wrye Flash to work with Mod Organizer, you have to launch it from within MO and then it works just fine. Now, time to go into detective mode and see what I can do about the oranges. :) Thank you again for this guide, very helpful.
  3. I understand, I have been following the tutorials from gopher and haven't been led astray; prior I used NMM again based on gophers tutorials. I will look into it.
  4. I am using Mod Organizer and the .esm and .esp are not in the main data directory, is there a guide on how to get Wrye to work still? Since MO puts my mods into: D:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Fallout New Vegas\Mod Organizer\mods vs D:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Fallout New Vegas\Data I only see the main esm files. Thanks, Andy
  5. I was watching a Lets Play and someone had a one button / hot key for the companions to cycle through "Wait", "Follow", Fire at Will", etc. I have looked and can't seem to locate it? I do have the JIP Companions Command and Control, just curious if anyone knew what this might be?
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