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Everything posted by DreamKingMods

  1. I'd suggest getting in touch with the creator of the Interesting NPCs mod--it adds a lot of voiced NPCs to the world. They're always looking for new talent, and there are often roles of different sizes so you could start with something small, with the possibility to add more lines later if you like the role. More generally, a good place to look for casting calls in Elder Scrolls game mods is the TES Alliance Voice Actors Project.
  2. Let's see... For non-combat, economics-oriented mods, you could look at Jobs of Skyrim and Katixa's Ciderhouse. For populating Skyrim, take a look at Immersive Patrols and/or Travellers of Skyrim. Definitely also Interesting NPCs for populating towns. New lands and provinces always take time, but there are some very promising big new lands mods that will hopefully be released in 2013, and I know several provinces are being worked on as well. For now, you could look at the Wyrmstooth new land/quest mod, which while still in development has gotten a lot of praise for what's there already. Edit: somewhat off-topic, but Fallout New Vegas was made by Obsidian, not Bethesda--that's why the feel is different from a typical Bethesda game.
  3. You can certainly make such a follower yourself, but as calfurius says, it takes time--history suggests it usually takes at least 2-3 years to make a follower mod that's truly responsive to the game world and its events. So what you're seeing now is only the beginning. I like most BioWare games myself, and that's the direction I'm trying to go with my Aela follower expansion mod--not just one-line comments, but more involved conversations that can result in disposition changes. But doing that in an open world Bethesda game is quite different than in the recent BioWare games like DA:O. The challenge of implementing interesting, relevant conversations in a Bethesda game is that there are many more independent variables--any given event can be happening independently of many other quests and events, as well as your relationship with the follower. It requires planning and writing in four dimensions, basically. But if that's of interest, then by all means make your own, or contribute writing and/or voice acting to a mod like Interesting NPCs that allows submissions.
  4. Is the book itself an alias? It sounds like it is. If so, when setting up the alias in your quest, you can probably choose "External Alias Reference" as the "Fill Type", and then select the vanilla quest and the alias from it that you want from the drop-down menus. Alternatively, you could have a script with the book's alias as a property, and then use ForceAliasRef() to force its reference into an alias in your quest.
  5. It's not foolproof, but have a look at the Run For Your Lives mod. It makes it so that when a dragon attacks, people (other than guards and other fighters) will flee to their home or the nearest inn, rather than staying outside and getting killed. If you have the Dawnguard DLC, the When Vampires Attack mod does something similar for vampire attacks on towns.
  6. Actually, my ESF: Aela mod tries to make a vanilla follower more interesting--giving Aela the Huntress more dialogue and story, giving her combat options where for example you can set her to only use ranged weapons and only attack after you or she has been hit, which means she won't go charging in when you're sniping in sneak mode from afar.
  7. "Update" in this context means a message from the mod creator indicating the mod is still being supported and worked on, not a new file.
  8. Also: Thieves Guild Requirements - No Auto Quest Start Brynjolf The Choice is Yours - Fewer Forced Quests - Improved Dialogue Options Freedom of Speech
  9. This project may be of interest.
  10. The Companions intimidation/brawl quest repeats, just keep on asking Farkas for work and you'll get it again eventually.
  11. It's harder to do, for several reasons including the fact that some of the later quests will still assume that you have the beast blood--but I'm currently working on it for my Companions Guild mod...should have something done pretty soon.
  12. Freedom of Speech is the mod you're looking for, I believe.
  13. Look at the script attached to Serana's alias when following, it's called NPCMentalModel or something like that. That's where the logic is. Serana checks the player's position every few seconds and if the player hasn't moved much, she starts a sandbox package.
  14. Could the person to be rescued have dropped a trail of items of some sort...? Or a trail of spilled blood. A trail of already-harvested plants. Footprints. An abandoned campfire. A flock of birds circling over something.
  15. There's a mod called Lively Followers that adds the same wandering behavior to other followers.
  16. I would guess that these days are atypical anyway since many people will be home for the holidays next week rather than spending their daytime at work or school. So any usual "best practices" may not hold. The only advice I can give is that, as suggested by Oubliette's comment, it's best to release it at a time when you can quickly answer questions or resolve issues people may have. Don't release the mod and then go to bed, or off to work, or whatever. A lot of users know to check the comments of a recently-released mod to see if others are having difficulty and/or the author knows what they are talking about, before downloading the mod themselves.
  17. AddPerk only works for the player--the Creation Kit wiki page for it does say that it doesn't work for NPCs. And yes, to connect to perks, spells, etc., you need to use properties. The only way I can think of to do what you want is to create a bunch of custom perks, assign them all to the follower in their Actor record, and in each perk, add conditions to the entry point so that the perk is only effective when you want it to be. So for example you could create a "MPMRage" perk that does just what the vanilla "Rage" perk does, but is conditioned in its entry point to only be in effect when the caster's Illusion skill is >= 70. That, or don't use perks, but use spells instead to grant the same effects as the perks would.
  18. But creationkit.com told me the opposite... I will file this feedback into the "eternal regrets" box. :sad: Not sure when you looked, but creationkit.com has since been updated--see the warning at the bottom of the RegisterForUpdate page. [ Can you do that? Can you make a script that unregisters another script? :blink: Yep, just have the form with the registration as a property and then call FormProperty.UnregisterForUpdate()
  19. Mods like Skyrim Redone or Requiem are as close as it gets.
  20. The best method is to never use RegisterForUpdate, but rather use RegisterForSingleUpdate and re-issue that registration at the end of your OnUpdate event. When a user uninstalls the mod, the OnUpdate block won't be found, so the registration won't be renewed and there won't be any errors spamming the log. What you could do is add an update quest in your next update with a script that unregisters your updates and then re-registers them as SingleUpdates. There are other solutions like a separate uninstall quest that you ask users to manually trigger in some way before they uninstall the mod, with a script attached that stops all your mod's other quests (stopping a quest cancels any event registrations associated with it). Or I've seen some modders have a separate downloadable package with empty script .pex files for users to install when they want to uninstall a mod, which may also prevent the updates from firing.
  21. Those will work okay. It's mods that change only Aela that generally don't work.
  22. There's a mod called "Hunting in Skyrim" you might like--it's still in development, but there are some hunting quests to do already. Also mods like Frostfall, Camping Kit of the Northern Ranger, etc. In terms of the official content, joining the Dawnguard might make sense. They specialize in crossbow-style archery, and the vampires they hunt could be seen as an affront to nature--and the vamps are trying to destroy the natural cycle of day and night, which would have a devastating impact on the natural environment.
  23. There are a lot of possible ways to set this up, but they will center around using RegisterForSleep and then either the OnSleepStart or OnSleepStop event to start a new quest, set a quest stage, etc.
  24. There are a few others in-progress... - Atvir Dres - Odvar - Interesting NPCs Also my Aela mod isn't a new NPC, but adds more features and dialogue to the existing NPC.
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