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  1. Thanks for the reply rickerhk, however, the script you suggest (with the extra endifs removed) has the same result. An extra 1 cap is removed after the donated amount is deducted, and the karma award can be obtained multiple times.
  2. In its original form this script is flawed. Any time you donated a sum of money, thescript would deduct the funds you donate plus an extra cap. To rectify this error, the script is now written where the amount now taken is one cap less than what is stated in the donations option menu - so instead of paying a flat donation of 10 caps, you pay 9 caps plus the extra one (for a total of 10) that is taken through the flawed script. Also, the script keeps rewarding Karma for the larger donations. The Karma reward should be limited to a one time reward. Can somebody rework the script so that a flat donation of caps is taken rather than what I've explained, and have the Karma reward be a one time deal. Thanks to any replies.
  3. Hello, I am looking for a landscape painter and decorator to complete the exterior of a mod I am working on - The Four States Project. On the plus side I'd say most of the work has been done and all you are required to do is go over it and touch it up adding to what ever is there to make it even better looking... and, this is the hard bit, junkify the landscape with detritus. This is a current estimation of what has been done so far: Percent land painted: 97% Percent bushified/cactified/treeified: 70%+ Percent creaturefied/raiderfied: 95%+ Percent radiated: 75%+ Percent rockified: 98%+ Percent soundified: 50% Percent sludgified: 99% Percent windified: 99% Percent decorated/junkified: 0.5% Percent NPCified: 5% (Mostly TinTown) The percentage ratings are estimations, and more of each can always be added. Not every cell or quad needs to be junkified. Only cells that have a road, shack, tent, sludge pool, cave enterance, lean to, or whatever needs to be done including (partly) the eight cells surrounding it. It sounds a lot, but it isn't really. A rough calculation (based upon the current map contents) suggests this to be 61 sites (not including roads) needing to be done. Even if it is nothing more than a single wrecked car, or billboard on a section of road, I'd consider it 'a cell junkified'... Also, to make your job that little bit easier - I am not opposed to you copying and pasting five or six generic setups so long as you move bits and pieces about to make it just a bit different looking. Your duties would be to... > Touch up the landscape painting if you think it needs it. > Add more rocks, bushes, dead trees, cacti, whirlwinds, dust effects, fallen trees, radioactive sludge pools if you think a section of land requires it. > Add assorted interesting features to look at, if you want. > Add assorted vehicle wrecks, tire piles, skeletons, sandbag defences, corpses, billboards, barrels, guard rails, tin cans and other assorted detritus to all the current locations in the mod. To have the landscape junkified would be a great step towards giving the mod that lived in and scavenged look, and it would be another major step closer to the mod being completed. Once the land has been suitably junkified and such I could finally move on to missions and fine tuning the story arc. So, why don't I do this? Frankly, I don't want to. I need a break from modding. My mind is numb from it all. I painted the landscape, placed the rocks, trees, cacti, wind effects, sound effects, sludge pools, shacks, roads, and whatnot; and for the size of the landscape, that is no small task. I also built most of the interiors and decorated them. All I ask is for some kindly modder or three to take pity on, not me, per se, but a fellow wornout Fallout 3 modder, who has grand aspirations to add a new land for all the members of Fallout3Nexus to explore. Come one, be part of the Four States Project. Don't let this opportunity go to waste. But if you do, and many years from now, when you are old and living out your last days, will you not look back and count the days and wish, you could trade all the days from now to then, for one chance, just one chance to to come back and be involved in the creation of quite possibly the best independent Fallout mod - ever! Thanks. MtB
  4. Hello, I need help on getting a time bomb script to work. The script activates when the bomb is dropped. A message window opens which gives you the option of setting the bomb in 15 second increments up to one minute. The problem I appear to have is that the timer doesn't seem to work. I've tried various formats of the script but nothing works. Here's the script in it's current form... ScriptName aaTimedExplosive01Script Short DoOnce Short Button Short Stage Float fTimer Begin OnDrop If DoOnce == 0 ShowMessage aaSetBombTimerMSG ; How long do you want to set the timer for? 15, 30, 45, 60, Do Nothing Set DoOnce to 1 EndIf End Begin GameMode Set Button to GetButtonPressed If ( DoOnce == 1 ) If (Button == 0) set fTimer to 15 Set Stage to 1 EndIf EndIf ElseIf (Button == 1) If ( DoOnce == 1 ) set fTimer to 30 Set Stage to 1 EndIf ElseIf (Button == 2) If ( DoOnce == 1 ) set fTimer to 45 Set Stage to 1 EndIf ElseIf (Button == 3) If ( DoOnce == 1 ) set fTimer to 60 Set Stage to 1 EndIf ElseIf (Button == 4) ;No Action ;Do Nothing EndIf End Begin OnDrop if ( Stage == 1 ) && fTimer >= 1 set fTimer to fTimer - GetSecondsPassed if fTimer == 0 PlaceAtMe MineFragExplosion ;aaTimedExplosive01REF aaTimedExplosive01REF.Disable EndIf EndIf End Any help would be appreciated.
  5. Hi there! So, what about your mod?)))
  6. I am looking for a fairly decent landscape painter and decorator to complete the exterior of a mod I am working on. Approximately 35% or more has been completed by someone else who, unfortunately had to drop out. I'm no good at the landscape aspect, as interiors are more my thing. In order to stoke your interest, please visit http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/11957 to see some screen shots. If you think you have sufficient skill please contact me and show me examples of your work (screenshots or an .esp). If several people respond to this, your names will be put in a draw and one lucky responant will get the job. So, what's involved? Your core duties... > Complete the painting of the landscape. > Decorate the landscape with rocks, bushes, dead trees, cacti, and the like. > Add whirlwinds, dust effects, radioactive sludge pools and the like. Your optional duties (if you don't want to do this, that's ok)... > Add the occasional ruined, or occupied encampment. > Junkify the landscape. > Add roads and vehicle wreckage. > Add raiders, bandits, and more creatures. > Add assorted interesting features. Thanks. MtB
  7. I am looking for a fairly decent landscape painter and decorator to complete the exterior of a mod I am working on. Approximately 35% or more has been completed by someone else who, unfortunately had to drop out. I'm no good at the landscape aspect, as interiors are more my thing. In order to stoke your interest, please visit http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/11957 to see some screen shots. If you think you have sufficient skill please contact me and show me examples of your work (screenshots or an .esp). If several people respond to this, your names will be put in a draw and one lucky responant will get the job. So, what's involved? Your core duties... > Complete the painting of the landscape. > Decorate the landscape with rocks, bushes, dead trees, cacti, and the like. > Add whirlwinds, dust effects, radioactive sludge pools and the like. Your optional duties (if you don't want to do this, that's ok)... > Add the occasional ruined, or occupied encampment. > Junkify the landscape. > Add roads and vehicle wreckage. > Add raiders, bandits, and more creatures. > Add assorted interesting features. Thanks, MtB
  8. I am looking for a fairly decent landscape painter and decorator to complete the exterior of a mod I am working on. Approximately 35% or more has been completed by someone else who, unfortunately had to drop out. I'm no good at the landscape aspect, as interiors are more my thing. In order to stoke your interest, please visit http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/11957 to see some screen shots. If you think you have sufficient skill please contact me and show me examples of your work (screenshots or an .esp). If several people respond to this, your names will be put in a draw and one lucky responant will get the job. So, what's involved? Your core duties... > Complete the painting of the landscape. > Decorate the landscape with rocks, bushes, dead trees, cacti, and the like. > Add whirlwinds, dust effects, radioactive sludge pools and the like. Your optional duties (if you don't want to do this, that's ok)... > Add the occasional ruined, or occupied encampment. > Junkify the landscape. > Add roads and vehicle wreckage. > Add raiders, bandits, and more creatures. > Add assorted interesting features. More details will follow. Thanks. MtB
  9. This script is supposed to allow a character to drink from a water fountain, fill up bottles, or neither of the two. I've tried assorted ways of scripting it and this is the lastest in the line of failures. It always resulted in a perpetual pop up of the "you don't have bottles or caps" message. I know it is something easy, but I can't figure it out. The script... ScriptName aaEBHWaterFountainScript Short Button Short DoOnce Begin OnActivate Player ShowMessage aaEBHWater01MSG ;Would you like to have a drink from the fountain or fill a bottle? Fill/Drink/Neither End Begin GameMode Set Button to GetButtonPressed If ( Button == 0 ) && ( Player.GetItemCount Caps001 < 1 ) ShowMessage aaEBHWater02MSG ;You don't have enough bottles or caps. endif If ( Button == 0 ) && ( Player.GetItemCount SodaBottleEmpty01 < 1 ) ShowMessage aaEBHWater02MSG ;You don't have enough bottles or caps. endif If ( Button == 0 ) && ( Player.GetItemCount NukaColaBottle < 1 ) ShowMessage aaEBHWater02MSG ;You don't have enough bottles or caps. endif If ( Button == 0 ) && ( Player.GetItemCount WhiskeyBottle01Empty01 < 1 ) ShowMessage aaEBHWater02MSG ;You don't have enough bottles or caps. endif If ( Button == 0 ) && ( Player.GetItemCount Milkbottle01 < 1 ) ShowMessage aaEBHWater02MSG ;You don't have enough bottles or caps. endif If ( Button == 0 ) && ( Player.GetItemCount SodaBottleEmpty01 >= 1 ) && ( Player.GetItemCount Caps001 >=1 ) Player.RemoveItem SodaBottleEmpty01 1 Player.RemoveItem Caps001 1 Player.AddItem WaterPurified 1 set DoOnce to 0 ElseIf ( Button == 0 ) && ( Player.GetItemCount NukaColaBottle >=1 ) && ( Player.GetItemCount Caps001 >=1 ) Player.RemoveItem NukaColaBottle 1 Player.RemoveItem Caps001 1 Player.AddItem WaterPurified 1 Set DoOnce to 0 ElseIf ( Button == 0 ) && ( Player.GetItemCount WhiskeyBottle01Empty01 >=1 ) && ( Player.GetItemCount Caps001 >=1 ) Player.RemoveItem WhiskeyBottle01Empty01 1 Player.RemoveItem Caps001 1 Player.AddItem WaterPurified 1 Set DoOnce to 0 ElseIf ( Button == 0 ) && ( Player.GetItemCount Milkbottle01 >=1 ) && ( Player.GetItemCount Caps001 >=1 ) Player.RemoveItem Milkbottle01 1 Player.RemoveItem Caps001 1 Player.AddItem WaterPurified 1 Set DoOnce to 0 endif ElseIf ( Button == 1 ) Activate Set DoOnce to 0 ElseIf ( Button == 2 ) ; Do Nothing EndIf End ---------------------------------------- Thanks for any help you can give. MtB
  10. Is there a way to replace the moon in a different landscape but have it remain the moon in the original Fallout worldspace? What I mean is, in the original DC Wasteland the moon is the boring old moon that hangs in the night sky, but when the player is transported to another landscape (my mod), the moon is replaced by another image. Basically, I do not want the files in the data/texture/sky directory to be used in any other part of the game other than my mod. Is that do-able, and if so, how?
  11. Hi MtB, thanks for adding me to your friends list.

    What are your particular modding interests ? Fallout 3 obviously are you also into Oblivion or Morrowind ?

  12. Does anyone know how to port meshes and textures from Oblivion into Fallout 3 - and get them to show up in the GECK and the game itself? I've been given permission to do this with Oblivion Cactus models but nothing I do with the import/export and nifskope works. Can anyone give me precise instructions, or tell me where I can get instructions, for what to do? I'm using: 3DS MAX 2010 niftools-max-plugins- NifSkope-
  13. I have a problem with the effect shader window in the GECK in that it is too large for my monitor. I cannot see the OK/cancel options at the bottom. Even if I drag the window right to the top of my monitor it is cut off at the bottom (including if I hide my taskbar). My monitor's resolution is as high as it can go (1366x768). Is there a way to get round this problem?
  14. Are there any model makers out there who are willing to create custom textured .nif models for me and the wider modding community? I'm looking for assorted cacti .nifs for a desert themed mod. I've tried using Blender and Nifskope to do them myself, but these things are just beyond me.
  15. I'm attempting at create a real lavatory that would not be out of place in the Tenpenny Tower. Something, however, is wrong. When the player activates the toilet, a pop up box offers three options to choose from; they being pee, poop, and drink. For both pee and poop a sound effect is played that represents the action bring undertaken. By selecting the drink option the player is supposed to activate the lavatory as normal (as though it was never scripted), however, as the animation plays the sound effect for the pee option also plays - which it should not. This is my script... ScriptName aaWorkingToiletScript ; This script creates a lavatory which offers the player three uses. Those uses ; being Pee, Poop, and Drink. Short button Begin OnActivate ShowMessage aaWorkingToiletMSG End Begin GameMode Set button to GetButtonPressed If ( button == 0 ) PlaySound aaPee ElseIf ( button == 1) PlaySound aaPoop ElseIf ( button == 2) ShowMessage aaEwwwwGrossMSG Activate EndIf EndIf EndIf End
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