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Everything posted by InzaneKrazy

  1. Well, after some more research, it seems like the only solution would be an override, could anyone point me to any resource for accomplishing that?
  2. I am aware of Robojumper's mod, I've also tried it, but it seems like it doesn't achieve exactly what I want it to do. What I want to do is not only have specific weapons have different models, I want the base models to be replaced entirely, because I absolutely despise the Plasma weaponry's designs in the game.
  3. So I've been going around looking for a way to do this, but alas it has been to no avail. Does anyone have an idea of how to go about replacing the base models/textures of the default weapons in the game with custom ones entirely? I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do overrides, and it seems to me that editing the default .uc is a terrible idea. Yeah, I'm an egg. Thanks in advance!
  4. Windows 7 here, having the same exact god damn problems. I resorted the extremes and reinstalled Windows 7, resulted in no changes whatsoever. Also gotta note that I've tested using it on another computer too, to end up with the same results. Also gotta note that I've reinstalled the SDK and base Xcom 2 about 3 times now.
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