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  1. Yeah, the concept has been explored before: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/54569/?
  2. Red highlights indicate the values that are being modified by multiple mods. Those are conflicts. So if you have a lot of those, it would be worth making a merged patch through FNVEdit, to improve compatibility. Are you checking the right tab in the LOOT report? Because there are two tabs on the report page; you have to click the "Details" tab on the top left of the report page to actually see the log. If you can, post that log; it might shed light on what's irking your set up. In the mean time, you can try uninstalling all the mods you've installed since your last stable load order, and then enable them one by one to see which of them is causing the CTD.
  3. as in the bungalow that you get at novac when using the willow companion :D The boldened part being a prerequisite I've not fulfilled :tongue:
  4. Well, have you looked into RobCo Certified? It gives you exactly what you seem to be looking for, though the robot voices are not fully implemented. Plus it has a host of cool features.
  5. Crash on start-up usually indicates missing masters. If the BOSS/LOOT log isn't telling you anything, try running your load order through FNVEdit. That will tell you if you've got load-order errors and missing masters. EDIT: I thought it might've been AWOP, but it looks like you've got the master active.
  6. I'm not familiar with this "Willow bungalow", but if you want a home with a simple sorting system, I'd recommend looking into The Courier's Cache. It gives you access to the "Wasteland Survivor's Home" (I think that's what its called, anyway), which is about the most well designed custom player home I've seen. Small, cozy, and has everything you really need. The sorting system isn't dependent on Sortomatic.
  7. Hmm, the tutorial doesn't seem to mention that under BSShaderPPLightingProperty, in "Shader Flags" you have to make sure that "SF_Shadow_Map" is selected. Without that, armour stays invisible in game, and perhaps shows up that way in GECK previews too. Sorry, but I'm not entirely familiar with 3DSMax, so that's all I can spot as a potential error at the moment.
  8. Awesome, definitely looking forward to this. Can help with testing too, if you like.
  9. Here's Gopher's tutorial on how to create merged patches using FNVEdit. This is a slightly old but still accurate tutorial on how to merge mods with WryeBash for Skyrim. Video also brings up using BOSS to figure out errors (if there are any), so it is rather useful. The procedure is basically the same for WryeFlashNV.
  10. Well firstly, if you're running WMX-Areonvalis textures compatibility patch, I don't believe you need to have the 357 retex esp active. They'd conflict with each other. As to what is causing the crash: Can you post your BOSS or LOOT log please? Also, I'd suggest running FNVEdit to detect errors. I suspect NVEC and YUP might be in conflict with one another, but I can't say that for certain. Hence the FNVEdit suggestion. BTW: If there are mods you don't use, don't just deactivate them; remove the esp/esms entirely.
  11. I doubt there's conflict between NV Uncut and any of those mods, beyond perhaps altering race/face records here and there (for example, FCO's Rotface would be overwritten by the NVUncut's Rotface, but this would be a purely aesthetic conflict, not a game-breaking one. And it can be fixed with a merged patch). Mission Mojave Plus actually incorporates four of the uncut mods, so you don't have to install those independently. Hope the compass problem was fixed!
  12. Head over to this thread: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/269957-post-here-if-you-need-voice-actors-for-mods-or-if-youd-offer-your-voice/
  13. Oh, hello again. Older versions of Darn's UI can cause this problem when used in tandem with One HuD. Make sure you're using the latest version: https://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1143482-wipzbeta-darnified-ui-nv/
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