Hello, fellow modders. I am Dragten, maker of the Bandolier: Bags and Pouches mod and I seek someone experienced who is able to help me with a new project. The person I need should be able to help to resize the 3d meshes, so that they fit on both genders and make sure that the weight sliders are working as they should. The meshes should go on top of armor, so the fit should be good for the "average" sized armors. Pretty much same principle like the Bandolier mod. Other than proper sizing, the items also need to be bipped/skinned, so that they are following the animations correctly. I do not want to reveal too many details about the mod yet, but let me assure you that 80% of the work is already completed and the mesh fitting is one of the last things that is needed. The meshes come from a professional INDUSTRY 3D MODELER, so I can assure they are are not just pretty, but also have good polycount. If you are interested, please send me a PM here on the forums with links to examples on mods, where you preformed similar work. Thank you very much in advance. tl;dr: need someone to take my mesh and make male and female _0 and _1 NIF files out of it, which work with body slides for vanilla bodies.