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About DJ999

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  1. I'm not exactly sure how long ago this issue started(it certainly hasn't been happening forever), but I've been having issues where oblivion occasionally makes my display (driver) crash until I exit the game. This has been happening for me both on modded and vanilla (+ dlcs) oblivion. An interesting thing I found is that when I was using my modded install it would only crash the display driver when talking to people, but on vanilla it would crash whenever. The GPU is a GeForce GTX 550 Ti. Also I have tried updating to the latest drivers (multiple times) but updates haven't helped.
  2. Its such a shame when a modder decides to remove his creation when he abandons it, instead of just leaving it up there as is.
  3. Well, Natural Environments is modular, so you can replace Natural Weather with Weather-All Natural if you so choose.
  4. How about this: Elsweyr Greetings, Alba and Tobjoern :smile: Well, I was kinda talking about the Deserts of Aqueinna one, since that one has more stuff in it and is more supported (by other mods).
  5. Does anyone know of a non Megaupload mirror for Elsweyr? If not, can someone upload it somewhere? Thanks.
  6. I think having open cities (and levitate spells) would be nice to have(if it hasn't already been asked).
  7. Reposting since no one really cares about my thread. Edit: Someone who got permission to upload it posted in my thread, i'll keep the post here for archival or something. Link to my thread: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/297685-okari-temple/ Actual Mod: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=36987
  8. Does anyone have the Okari Temple mod for oblivion? I asked in the mod detectives thread(a long time ago), but no one answered me. the mod was removed from the only place where it was uploaded to (TES nexus), because the mod creator got banned(I don't know, something about passwords), so now, its pretty much taken off the internet. I'm asking if someone has it, and to send the mod to me. Your help would be appreciated.
  9. Does anyone here have the okari temple? If so, can you reupload it somewhere? The original link broke, and the mod creater disappeared.
  10. Guess I'll quote my post, since no one replied to it...
  11. Can someone help me get a *working* link to the Okari Temple mod? It was on tes nexus but got deleted for some reason. It was listed in Planet Elder Scrolls, but it's just a link to the tes nexus one. Edit: What i'm asking is, can someone with Okari Temple reupload it somewhere?
  12. All I can say is, good luck. You're gonna need it.
  13. I also think you should make a child friendly version of this mod, because it sounds very good even without the sex part, and people who are underage or something might want to do the marriage part and raising kids, but not the sex.
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