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About neeher

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    United States
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    Fallout 4/76
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    Fallout 3/4

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  1. In response to post #73980503. #73981973, #73982843, #73984443, #73984848 are all replies on the same post. Makes sense. I don't do much downloading though... maybe once every few months, I got lifetime as well but just to remove the ads and still support the nexus. I really hate seeing ads! And I don't want to run adblock on a site I like so much. So, it works for me.
  2. In response to post #73980503. #73981973 is also a reply to the same post. That's true, I did the same thing lol.
  3. Can't help but wonder if this No Ads for MA is wise, to me that was by the far the biggest reason to be premium. 1,000 unique downloads isn't very much, what kind of percentage of the user base does this cover that don't need premium anymore?
  4. In response to post #61164202. #61164952 is also a reply to the same post. lol
  5. When BigBizkit commented on one of my mods with that red Community Manager title, I thought I was in trouble lol
  6. In response to post #50768147. #50856632, #51227667 are all replies on the same post. Games with more frequently put out mod content.
  7. Would be cool to have one staff pick per main game, and then honorable mentions for other games like Stardew valley. I only ever look for Fallout 4 picks haha.
  8. In response to post #49984112. #49984447 is also a reply to the same post. *high five*
  9. Noptasis, creator of the Godzilla Kaiju mod, and I are looking for someone to retexture the beast. The current texture is meh and a little low quality so instead of one of us failing to do it we would rather have someone who knows what they are doing figure it out. Godzilla is so big, that the current textures just look stretched out. Looking for a 4k texture for the diffuse, spec, and normal maps. This way he will look even meaner. Anyone interested? http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15968/? For the Kaiju mod. -Neeher
  10. Same. After it wouldn't load on my phone I knew it was a Nexus problem. Help! Need to verify some images users have of Xander's Aid but I can't see them :/
  11. I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
  12. Any news? Same problem. Tried multiple times. It decides to fail at random points. All I can do is keep trying I guess.
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