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Posts posted by nayakri

  1. Nope, I've got only obj import - and it's not working correctly either :tongue: I think I have the newest version, I'll try to find yours and then we'll see.


    EDIT. I'm not editing meshes, that's the problem. I'm creating them from scratch - like new candles and glasses (primitive work, I know, but I need it).

  2. Uh, it isn't what I meant as well. What I mean is possibility to interact with beggars to persuade them, intimdate them or give them money, so they could change their lives on their own. So they don't follow me like lost puppies (sorry if I appear angry, I'm in the middle of translating something for my classes at the university and since English isn't my native language, it's a pain in... you get the meaning).


    I created a draft for this mod, to be honest, but I forgot to post it here and deleted it from my computer since I don't have time to even try to make it with my other planned mod and the university in the background.


    But here is the basic idea:


    Each beggar gains a hidden quest of Trust (something like this). For most it will be after giving them some money, for others it will mean completing their personal quests (like with Narfi - I'm going to use it as an example because I don't remember anything else).


    After gaining their trust, you can use four options (so you have some roleplaying in this).


    1. Persuade - mostly the good option (for good guys :P). Example: Narfi will try to get over his sister and starts working in the local inn. And sleep there like a normal guy.


    2. Gold and advice - for good guys who aren't big on speechcraft. Example: Narfi will rebuild (after some in-game weeks) his home and change his AI Package to some homeowner sandbox, etc.


    3. Gold and "I-don't-care-just-take-it-and-leave-me-alone" - for neutral guys. Example: Narfi, not knowing what to do with his money, will buy some good clothes (or armour) and start wandering from one city to another, giving out his money in inns and looking for troubles.


    4. Intimidate - for evil guys. Example: you make Narfi feel so awful that he commits a suicide (so you'll save your time during your DB carrier).


    And so on, and so on. Finishing the quest would erase their beggar talk and make them follow new AI Packages and generic talk (or some added silent dialogues).


    That's my idea how this should look like and I don't think I could accept anything different than this. But, as I said, I'm in the middle (actually, I'm in the 5% of it) of my College Mod and I just starged my second year on the university (and it's hell), so I won't be able to do anything with this.


    Maybe someone will take this idea and turn into something useful, maybe not. Good luck anyway!

    (going back to my pitiful translation...)

  3. I looked for solution on Google and here and found nothing.


    When I export a file from Blender in Nif type, everything goes right: no errors, nothing. But when I try to open my file in NifSkope, I get this error:


    "Failed to load block number 0 (NiNode) previous block was NiHeader"


    My best guess is that I failed to put right numbers into some Nif settings in Blender, but I have no idea where to start looking. Perhaps someone here knows what's the problem?


    Thank you for any help - my frustration with creating this cursed mod grows with every day...

  4. To be honest, I also hate the fact that you learn those things from nowhere. I try to think that while giving a perk my character just learned accidentaly how to do something, but even this quickly loses its charm.


    Frankly, the problem with perks is just a piece of a real problem that consumes Skyrim - which I sum up with: give a piece of something new and make it look nice. Because "looks" are everywhere in Skyrim. I just don't want to count things that could be awesome if developers stopped for a moment and added more details.


    Therefore: if they want to use perks in the next game, I really hope they will spend some more time on it.


    (The vision of turning TES into Sims is terrifying...)

  5. When I was stll playing Polish version of the game and installing English mods, the only issue that appeared was a language mess - but no serious problems. So I guess you can try it if you don't mind mixing languages.

  6. It is connected - it tells when and where the dialogue should pop up (so the merchant isn't going to sell his wares while sleeping). <- quick edit: this is quite stupid, ignore this please.


    Have you tried making another faction? Similar but with different ID and name?


    That's probably my last idea for the moment - my battery is out. I wish you luck!

  7. Just add a number (0 for example). I never add any names unless I have to. I don't think this is the reason, but you can try.


    EDIT. Sorry, I'm a little in a rush (battery is going out and I stopped thinking). Go to ranks, add new (as I said, one with 0 will be enough), click OK to let the program save it and then try to add location.

  8. Hm... Okay, I don't know what might be causing this...So I'm going to ask stupid questions:

    *Have you restarted CK? (I guess you did after 10 hours, but still)

    *Do you have a rank made? (a number)

    *Is your NPC in the faction? If yes/no try doing it with the opposite.

    *Is there a similar faction for the same NPC?

    *HAve you tried leaving it this way and launching the game to see if he is selling or not?

  9. I like this idea - in truth, I've been playing with this in my mind for some time now. From what I know at the moment, I believe this would be a matter of adding some dialogue, quests (not real quests, just sets of rules so the game knows when something changes), additional locations, new AI Packages and companion script.


    I think I could try to play with this at home (I don't promise anything, especially since I never tried to make a companion yet), but I'll at least try to see how hard it would be in reality :wink:

    (more skilled people are welcome to step in and save the amateur from embarrassing herself)

  10. I had something similar after installing some mod that added horses near Whiterun - I quickly uninstaled it because my FPS rate dropped nearly to 0.


    What I understand those are some weird acting meshes/textures. Mine disappeared after approaching those horses and letting the game load them in full. Usually, this was happening only once per gameplay.


    I'm not really sure why it is happening, though.

  11. I see Bethesda loves to make our lives harder with every step... Considering what are my personal skills regarding CK and scripting, I leave this from this moment forward to more skillful people here on Nexus.


    Perhaps someone will manage to pull it together, perhaps not... Nevertheless, good luck!

  12. That's quite funny because just yesterday I have been thinking about it... and I decided strictly against such classes. Why? When you talk with Mirabelle and ask her about expectations in the College, she tells you that this is the place where you study what you want - therefore kind of on your own.


    I'm going to change the way of training, though - no more paying but written "quest-like" lessons from a chosen teacher (eg. Faralda if you want to learn more about Destruction) and less skill affecting lessons from other people.

  13. Topic is closed.


    Don't get me wrong, I will work on the mod, but after days of learning about CK and doing various things in it, I decided I'm going in the wrong direction - yes, more quests are good, but this is not what makes the guild unique. Secrets, mysteries, magic, rich history - I need all that if I want to create the College I will love.


    Therefore "College of Winterhold Mod" is cancelled due to the fact it was meant to be mostly quests mod. I have no name for my future mod, but I know it will include:


    *ranks (as was posted here, but a little different)

    *quests (also as was posted here)

    *improved interiors and exteriors

    *NPC evolving

    *random guests

    *random events

    *more NPC and unique NPC appearing after finishing certain quests

    *multiple choices and possibility of changing many things

    *at least two big adventures for the Archmage imported from my ideas for this mod

    Perhaps something more.


    But when it comes to this topic: it is closed. Please, do not update it unless you have something important to say or ask about (still, prefer to do it via personal message).


    EDIT. I forgot about one thing: credits from this mod are preserved. Meaning that people who helped me here will not be forgotten.

  14. It just got into my mind: wouldn't it be possible to do via scripting? Leaving default animations as the backup and create user animation somewhere else (in different sub-folder) and then add them by scripts (eg. with "if" loop).


    I know it sounds a little too easy, but maybe it would be a good step towards doing it? <- question to those who know their way around scripting.

  15. I think this is a great idea, though I believe it would be better to do something a bit different since all the races have very similar bodies and behaviour (Argonians and Khajiit might be a little different, but still...)


    What I mean is to make different fighting and stances animations for particular skill levels. So as the player gets more advanced, his movements get better and more coordinated.


    This is of course just an idea.

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