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Everything posted by Nekhanimal

  1. Looks like someone's a Diablo 2 player! You forgot Rabies. Anyway, I've got some experience with making a mod like this, my first advice is to keep it small and simple. Start with just one aspect of the mod, then put in more stuff. Otherwise you'll run out of steam pretty quickly. Also, the transformation seems to be hardcoded to some extent, which makes it tricky to add, say, spellcasting while transformed. We'll see once the CK is out.
  2. This is why it's a good idea to get into the habit of prefixing your variables: Ref rTarget int bIsLoaded int iNumberOfKills float fTargetPositionX
  3. You should check out my mod: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=38315 It makes Energy Weapons awesome!
  4. --------------- Energy Boost v1.4 by Nekhanimal --------------- Download and Video at NVNexus Some people say that Energy Weapons are useless in Fallout: New Vegas. I respectfully disagree, I just don't think they are very satisfying, and definitely not all they're jacked up to be. In Fallout 2 I usually Tag that skill, so I demand it to be equally fun in this game. I've made this mod in order to improve it. In short: Weapons do more damage and degrade slower. Plasma Spaz is now good, Meltdown no longer damages you. Energy ammo reduces DT of the target. Energy ammo now always returns Drained cells. OverCharge/MaxCharge is more useful. You can now craft Bulk from normal ammo, and normal ammo from Bulk. Beam Splitter is useful now. --------------- Weapons: --------------- Recharger Rifle: +7 damage, +3 Clip Size. Laser Pistol: +3 damage. Laser Rifle: +5 damage. AER14 Prototype: +5 damage. Laser RCW: Condition increased from 400 to 450. Tri-Beam Laser Rifle: +2 damage, Critical damage increased from 15 to 54, Condition increased from 50 to 80. Gatling Laser: +2 damage. Pew Pew: +25 Critical damage. Plasma Pistol: +8 damage. Plasma Defender: +6 damage. Plasma Rifle: +18 damage. Q-35 Matter Modulator: Damage/Critical damage changed from 32/62 to 50/50, name changed to Turbo Plasma Rifle. Multiplas Rifle: +15 damage, Condition increased from 50 to 70, name changed to Multi Plasma Rifle. Plasma Caster: Condition increased from 80 to 120, name changed to Plasma Cannon. Tesla-Beaton Prototype: +95 damage, condition increased from 40 to 80. Tesla Cannon: +80 damage, condition increased from 80 to 100. Gauss Rifle: +1 clip size. YCS/186: +1 clip size. Incinerator now uses 2 ammo per shot. The Laser Rifle's Beam Splitter mod does not work. It has been changed to an External Diode, which increases the weapon's condition instead. --------------- Ammo: --------------- Energy Ammo now reduces the Damage Threshold of the target by the following values. Electron Charge Pack: Bulk: -1 Normal: -2 Overcharge: -2 Max charge: -3 Small Energy Cell: Bulk: -4 Normal: -5 Overcharge: -6 Max Charge: -7 Micro Fusion Cell: Bulk: -8 Normal: -10 Overcharge -12 Max Charge -14 Flamer Fuel: Homemade: -3 Normal: -4 Microfusion Breeder: Normal: -4 MaxCharge and OverCharge ammo has been changed to be more useful: OverCharge: Old - Damage 1.25, Condition 1.50. New - Damage 1.35, Condition 1.35. MaxCharge: Old - Damage 1.75, Condition 2.50. New - Damage 2.00, Condition 2.50. Energy ammo (ECP/MFC/SEC) now *always* returns Drained ammo, since the batteries aren't ejected and maybe lost like bullet casings - you just take them out and put them in your pocket. The chance of retrieving Drained Flamer Fuel has been increased from 25% to 35%. This chance is 70% with Vigilant Recycling. Homemade Flamer Fuel has a Condition penalty of 2x down from 3x. You can now craft Bulk from normal ammo. This requires 40 Science for SEC, 50 for MFC and 60 for ECP. With Vigilant Recycling you can craft normal ammo from Bulk. This requires 70 Science for SEC, 80 for MFC and 90 for ECP. The conversion rate from normal ammo to Bulk is 7/10. --------------- Perks: --------------- Plasma Spaz: Now reduces AP cost by 20% and increases fire rate by 20%. Meltdown: Name changed to Atomic Apocalypse, now uses a different explosion, radius increased from 200 to 350, does damage over time, and you and your followers are *not* damaged by it. --------------- Future Plans: --------------- Tesla Cannons will behave like chain lightning, i.e. a beam that arcs from enemy to enemy. I may also give them the sound from C&C:Red Alert Tesla Coils. Making the Beam Splitter effect work as intended. Yep! You can see a video of the new Meltdown effect at the Nexus. Energy Weapons are pretty much awesome now.
  5. Aww, feelin' small in the saddle? Ol' Nekh is here to help ya get back on the trail! Basically, do what them helpful folks at the NVSE site say about downloadin' and installin' it right. Then, start the GECK usin' NVSE. Now you oughta be able to use them fancy NVSE functions, like IsControlPressed. Them pages here: http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Function_Page http://fose.silverlock.org/fose_command_doc.html is your new best friends. Now, once you're cookin' with NVSE, you'll wanna be attaching this little script here to that six-shooter of yours: scn DumbScript ref rUser int bGuarding int bAttacking begin gamemode set rUser to getContainer; if (rUser) else return; endif if (iscontrolpressed 6) set bGuarding to 1; else set bGuarding to 0; endif if (iscontrolpressed 4) set bAttacking to 1; else set bAttacking to 0; endif if (bGuarding) if (bAttacking) rUser.fireweapon SomeWeapon; endif endif end Now, I can't tell ya for sure whether this script here's totally bona fide, but by my reckoning it oughta be just fine. So there ya have it!
  6. And here's a Hoverboard! http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37083
  7. Hi all. Some of you may know me as the creator of a vampire mod from way back. I was developing it on my spare time, when suddenly my computer crashed and a lot of other personal stuff happened. I picked up the pieces and moved on from there, but the mod's source code had been lost. Still, for a full year people have continued to send me sporadic messages about the mod and various bugs in it, confirming my notion that it was indeed a popular mod with a lot of fans. I can no longer deny the fact that people are still playing Oblivion. Now that I've FINALLY got some spare time on my hands and a lot more programming experience, I've decided to try and continue where I left. My question is, does anyone have the latest version? I believe it is called Nekhanimal's Vampire Mod. If anyone were to PM or mail me with a link to downloading it, I'll take a look at it and see if I've still got a few tricks left. Thanks for your time.
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