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Everything posted by Deleted1497043User

  1. I like Buddha he seems awesome for so old
  2. Hey guys i got some bad news..... Due to a bad file i have a trogen that after 15 different programs and trying to manually delete iv come to the concluion in cant be erased. So i have to erase my whole pc, which is bad So any help i can give on this mod might be delayed a bit Sorry for the delay.
  3. Looks like we got our spark back slawter Okay we need to re-run over the plot line and ill update the first post. Also we need to work out who is doing what. (also for the first post) We need the landscape a bit refined because its only a rough outline. (we still need some one to landscape i think) Did i miss anything feel free to correct me. Oh and slawter this isn't my mod its our mod
  4. Dude that is this mod they just decided to do the race separate
  5. Your blender skills are better then mind friend. Also i dont want to see this die, even though the idea isnt 100% lore friendly having a car/wagon sounds like a good idea regardless of how the story goes that it got there. I hope that one of the excellent modders i have had the pleasure to meet can help.
  6. slawter 1 away from 2000 better spend it on our page
  7. lol Slawter im fine with you taking 100% controll mate i wont be to active till i start going back to school less party's and stuff
  8. Slawter NOOOOOO jks im kool with slawter taking over untill i calm down. Im not spending much time and home so not much net. But guys plz dont let this mod die Lots Of Love Kazaazak
  9. Hey guys sorry for my lack of posts its just iv had no access to my pc or internet
  10. Hold up sont be so quick to cast away is it possible to make it so the mask lets just say you a strengh guy and the mask is a magic guy that it just puts ur skills and stats down and other stats up that would be a very basic thing to do not change the way you look just your stats would that be okay?
  11. I like the idea of a daughter because its always a son and we could spin it up a bit
  12. Thanks so much for the kind words lol and its my b day so i count it as a gift
  13. Thanks man And thats not a bad idea actully if we can do custom music for it If we do do custom music for it ill be sure to PM you when we need you :)
  14. Ok me and my team might be using this Height map http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=28150 in our mod (click my banner) Now im having some trouble opening it, i know its probly a noob problem. But how do i open it? Its a plugin not a .RAW so i cant import it to the Height Map editor
  15. Yeah i think we might be able to, but im having trouble loading the height map to check it out EDIT: Okay got it to work but its really basic we might still need some landscapers. Long road of work ahead boys and girls, i hope you stay for the long run
  16. OMG thanks for making it dude kudos for you oh and also this isnt a joke and u are a jerk u dnt sound like one u are one and if u think this is a waste of time stop posting
  17. I have to say this got lots more reponses then i thort, i know how hard modding is i can mod but im really bad and people seem to like the idea
  18. James is my brother and this is my friend Matthews request somone help us out?
  19. THE LITTTLE GUIDING LIGHT HAS ENTERED THE BUILDING!!! Right wheres the landscape at? We were told it was to be done by now The plants and stuff is a good ideaa We also need to start working on the 3D models of building and such GREAT WORK GUYS
  20. Okay my idea is that the door to Megaton is blocked by a giant chocolate milk (i know this seems dumb) and when you walk up to it and actiate it a very fat man appears (his name is James) and starts yelling DONT TOUCH MY CHOCOLATE MILK, and starts hitting you (unarmed) He is a very slow person and isnt very strong and if possible can he be wearing a this hat (see pic) and when he dies he yells "DONT TOUCH MY CHICKEN WINGS" i know it seems dumb but it would mean the world to me if it was made And is it possible to make the hatt black with a white ribbin
  21. Mod on monday..............................This is all that matters in the end "drools"
  22. cant you just add a un openable door to the end of the hallway? or a big ass rock
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