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Everything posted by dalira

  1. Everyone got his own reasons... if that's his intention, why not ? About haters and other silly people, i just wrote a lil bit how i feel in the suggestion thread. As far as i can tell it would also be a great thing, even if it's not a neko
  2. i could not check the thread in the last couple days... so Everything about this hating stuff, sssh haters gonna hate, always. I bet you also like some weird stuff, or something some people might think it´s total absurd. But ye, anime & manga stuff is not that common in the western hemisphare, or it's mostly stuff for kids. But who isn't kind of childish sometimes ? Remembering silly thinks, doing them again with your own childs or from your relations. That´s just one side by the way, there are a lot of things anime inhabites (even if it's only in japan/korea the case). Maybe someone remembers the mascot some years ago from japan, a "faked" suzumiya (from suzumiya haruhi no yuutsu & some novels) Well... i don't want to go all about. Some people like it, deal with it, they mostly don't mind haters or just start laughing ;) Maybe, maybe not, it's also a really nice idea if you ask me... it's not that i'm an otaku... i just adore... no scratch that, i like, no i love... well okay <3<3<3 anime stuff. Hm somehow i drifted away gosh p.s. something i found some minutes ago, which is not anime related/isn't a neko in that case... more like furry, if some might agree with the 50%+- rule etc bleh... who cares http://chzfandom.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/fanart-cosplay-id-khajiit-her.jpg best regards, dalira
  3. Hey, it's not that easy i guess, but maybe some people would like it and if there would be a person who could do this... it would be awesome Simple put: Humans with Cat Ears and a Tail, called neko (if anyone knows what this means), nothing more, maybe a lil bit "cuter", but doesnt matter that much. Some Screens from random animes: http://images.wikia.com/spacepedia/images/3/3e/Neko-boy.jpg http://i935.photobucket.com/albums/ad196/kittykatsoup/anime-cat-people-144041.jpg Dunno if its possible so far... i guess it would be a complete remoddeling... oh well. _____________________________________ edit: another mod idea: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/477787-alternative-to-the-anime-like-khajiit-suggestion/ Called Mithra (great idea if you ask me. tho it's not a neko) _____________________________________ last but not least: just write hater posts, most people, which would like such a mod, don't rly care or just flame back. Once there is some basic stuff (mesh files, textures and the creation kit), i'll try it myself, even if i havent done anything so far for TES or fallout, but i've got some experience from q3 [JKA] and unreal modding. Even harder stuff i guess lolz, creating dll's and .so's aint that easy at the beginning If Luchaire isn't faster ^^ best regards
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