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Posts posted by Afroherbalist

  1. Sorry if this has already been posted in some form or another, but I did a search on "face, white face, pale face" etc and nothing came up.


    I've been a vampire for SO LONG I simply cant remember what the normal skintone is supposed to look like. In terms of real-world time, my dude has been a vampire for about 2 years LOL. I got sick to death of not being able to go out in the sun without having to suck necks first, or not being able to wait, or sleep ANYWHERE without succumbing to the damn HIVampirism disiese. After finally getting all those damn soul gems, ingredients, then watching that old woman wake up, just to instantly die and say "oof" (which made me lmao), I finally became a human again, and thought "FFS, I didn't realise my guy looked like a 12 year old with an adults body!", but I didn't really care because it looks more funny than annoying. However I do have one problem with my characters revitalised normality. A Redguard is basically another name for "Black Person" right? (which is funny and strange). Well my black g- oops I mean Redguard, has a normal African skin tone on his body, but his face looks like he's been experimenting with makeup, specifically white foundation (like the stuff Geisha's and Kabuki's wear), originating from his nose, and fading back into normal skin colour towards the edges of the face.



    Is this how things are supposed to look? I tried to give as visual a description as I could, so you can picture it in your heads, but if you need a screenshot, I can post one!


    Thanks in advance

  2. The first thing I would look at would be to see if you have any mods that were originally made in a language different than the one your game uses. Try deactivating those and see if the problem goes away. If it does, you can systematically reactivate them one by one to track down the mod that is causing the issue.


    I thought I was the only one who had this problem LOL. I remember one day looking at the map to go the IC, then I realised the temple district (or whatever its called) was some german name. At first I was like "hang on, this cant be right, Im sure it never used to be like this. What have I done!?"


    Dont know what caused it but I think its gone now, and I dont remember removing any mods in particular (which makes it even stranger!)

  3. This is you, on acid! hahaaha. They should make a mod where you can start tripping, and everyones face messes up like this, and the buildings start pulsating and wobbling, cobblestones moving up and down like pistons and the sky is rotating, while every sound that you hear becomes visually manifested like waves of energy.
  4. Hi.

    You can use your console to get Fawkes back.

    press the ~ key.

    This should clear away the hud. Now type the following:

    prid 2d9cf <enter>

    moveto player <enter>



    Fawkes should reappear near you.

    Try this in an open normal place, not in the middle of a ruin or an underground vault filled with rooms.


    if this fails, try the same routine, but use a different code :

    prid 3d34e <enter>

    moveto player <enter>



    Please make sure you make the exact same spaces as in the instructions above (for example:moveto[space]player)

    If he still does not appear - he might be dead, or you have a serious game bug.




    Thanks, well I wasn't even looking in the right place LOL, I'll check in the ACTUAL underworld now. If he aint there I'll try the console commands.



  5. Ok it seems that the ffdshow problem, I installed the required codec and now it is working. But I still dont understand why the game was working with a fresh install...


    Anyways, problem solved, thanks again for your help and suggestions


    Glad to hear you've sorted it mate!

  6. I cant wait till this is done, hope you can help me in my own question. Is it possible to make a slave aid you in battle, and use items you give them, in an intelligent manner? Like taking stimpacks, picking up items themselves (I know they can pick up fags and alcohol, but thats just for show). I mean like picking up weapons, armour, usable items?


    Sorry I had overlooked the questions yesterday (it was later here). Yes it is possible to let the slaves act in a intelligent manner. My mod is a example for this. But it is hard work to get all these things done. All the abbilities have to be scrippted. I am working on FNNCQ since december last year now. FNNCQ is designed as a modders resource (it will be a esm) so you can use it as skeleton for your own slave mod if you want to.


    Wicked mate, sounds like you've had your work cut out for you.


    Well you've got my full support, cant wait to see it in action, I'll check back from time to time.


    peace, and best of luck

  7. Who cares? they make the game less boring! Like the other people said: More people to kill, and theres nothing wrong with that!


    I find it really satisfying killing things in the game, so anything that attacks me, or any group that ambushes me (I love the ambushes, and how they move in squads), will give me the opportunity to do something more exciting than just walking around in the middle of nowhere with no action.


    Imagine how boring it would be, if nobody attacked you. Exploration is only exciting when theres places left to explore


    Welcome your enemies my friend, be appreciative of those that would seek to end your life. Bask in the glow of the bullsh*t im talking

    That would mean there is more action and less roleplaying. I don't like it when they dumb the game down, like said on this topic.


    Yea but I dont think it makes the game dumb if it keeps you on your feet, or makes you watch your back (so to speak), just gives it more pacing. I loved bioshock, because it had an almost perfect balance of action,rpg,exploration, and a heavy sense of storyline. The balance in FO3 is good, and theres enough random enemy encounters, bases to infiltrate and wastelanders to save (or watch as they get killed by wildlife or raiders) to keep the game from inducing sleep in the player, making it more refreshing when theres gaps of action inbetween investigative, dialogue, or non-action orientated scenes. Dont get me wrong, sometimes games fail at this equilibrium completely, like Batman Arkham (thats a dumb game). Its like they tried to combine RPG/action in an open enviroment, with a high bias on action and combat. Only thing good about that game though is its looks. It gets so monotonous, and the enviroment seems pointless for some reason, when all you do is go from a to b, encounter a group of shady c*nts, do the same fight scenes over and over again, and get bored of collecting green '?'s, etc.


    I think they did well balancing out the different aspects of genre in FO3, because you never get TOO bored to play. The thirst for action and killing, is followed by the need for interaction, exploration and vise-versa.


    I'd say the intelligence (or dumbness) of a game like this, comes out of knowing where to balance action/rpg, not out of just removing the action.

  8. Remember when that guy in mothership zeta tells you he's going to create some new items for us? (the guy who makes the adapted biogel)


    He says he was thinking about making us some Cryo-Grenades or something. Well, Ive clocked the whole quest a while ago, and all I got was the weapons you can just pick up from enemies, and some adapted biogel.


    Plus, whats with the samurai geezer? Cant you get him to give you his Katana? Or find out anything useful from keeping every1 alive at the final battle?


    Am I missing something from the ending of this DLC, or is it just a really abrupt, "end of the line" style ending with loads of unanswered questions?


    I really wanted that samurai gear man LOL.

    If you're at the end of the quest, you might as well just kill the samurai and take his gear. I don't remember him being set as essential. This article on the Fallout wiki says that you can't make any more Cryo Grenades after you've finished "This Galaxy Ain't Big Enough..." And yeah, Zeta ends way to quickly with virtually no more exploration purposes. It was a bad move on Bethesda's part to close off the other wings of the ship after you complete the last quest.



    Thanks for the heads up man. Well, I better go and kill that Samurai for his gear, he dont need it now!


    I never had the chance to even see the Cryo-Grenades though, where do they come into the storyline? All that I know about them, is that our guy wanted to make some, but that was it. They sound like fun.



  9. Sorry to bump, but I need to know how to get this sorted out. I dont know about any other followers apart from Jericho (Im not evil enough to roll with him).


    If there are other followers, dont tell me, I'd rather discover them myself, but I really just want to get Fawkes in the game again. He was a well funny character, and it gives you a chance to fight properly, rather than just pressing V all the time (as funny and cool as VATS is).


    Any help would be much appreciated.

  10. Alright, Ive put up with these bloody random crashes for like 2 years, surely there must be a fix by now. It seems to happen anywhere between 10 minutes into play, all the way up to 2 hours into play. I never noticed this before, but yesterday I had a look in the 'Eventvwr' utility, and I found the error events:



    1- EventID:1000 (application error)


    Faulting application fallout3.exe, version, faulting module fallout3.exe, version, fault address 0x0048503d.


    2- EventID:2 (Xlive)


    Title Fallout3.exe ( XLive 3.0.0017.0 (WGX_XLIVE_V3.00_RTM.090714-1646) C:\WINDOWS\system32\xlive.dll



    Games for Windows - LIVE DLL

    C:\WINDOWS\system32\msidcrl40.dll 5.000.737.6



    Theres a total of 47 'Xlive' & 'Application Error's. 47 each (loads less than I thought there would be lol), and they're all connected to Fallout 3.


    Can anybody tell me what I need to do to stop this from constantly happening?


    Thanks in advance :thanks:


    BTW Im on patch 1.7 (I thought I had 1.6) if that means anything

  11. but I can see the reasoning behind not arming slaves. A slave with a gun would not stay a slave, they'd kill you for their freedom.


    Why not have their collar be rigged to blow when you die? So if you die, they die too.


    That sounds like a good idea! "Hell, if im going...." "the mutilated body of a lone wonderer was found yesterday, nearby, were the bodies of six headless followers, further investigation is underway".


    Im gonna just have a look through a few tutorials then, hope I come across something relevant. I thought some people might be able to tell me what I need to edit, cos they know about the engine, but hey. If I figure out even half of what I need to do, then I'll put in your idea!


    peace, any other ideas are more than welcome!

  12. Remember when that guy in mothership zeta tells you he's going to create some new items for us? (the guy who makes the adapted biogel)


    He says he was thinking about making us some Cryo-Grenades or something. Well, Ive clocked the whole quest a while ago, and all I got was the weapons you can just pick up from enemies, and some adapted biogel.


    Plus, whats with the samurai geezer? Cant you get him to give you his Katana? Or find out anything useful from keeping every1 alive at the final battle?


    Am I missing something from the ending of this DLC, or is it just a really abrupt, "end of the line" style ending with loads of unanswered questions?


    I really wanted that samurai gear man LOL.

  13. People who play F/TPS-style games with a console controller are nuts IMO. Mouse + Keyboard all the way. :D


    Pads are more comfortable and feel better to play games with, but mouse & keyboard is much more accurate, and obviously you've got a load more assignable buttons.


    Some games are better with a pad, like standard action games and fighters, and DEFINITELY racers, but in games where aiming is essential (Oh yea you dont even need aiming skill in FO3 LOL), lets say UT or COD series, trying to hold a headshot with 2 thumbsticks, seems nearly impossible.


    I think the PC version is king, for mods, and the fact that we all like to play games that seem to crash every 10 minutes!

  14. This is working the way they designed it to. I guess, to a Bethesda developer, such trivial matters rate higher in severity than say the game freezing and crashing all the time.


    To prevent this from happening next time:


    1) Go to "My Documents\My Games\Fallout3\"

    2) Move the "Fallout.ini" to some other folder

    3) Run the update

    4) Close the launcher

    5) Move the "Fallout.ini" back


    LOL, i know what you mean. Thanks man

  15. Who cares? they make the game less boring! Like the other people said: More people to kill, and theres nothing wrong with that!


    I find it really satisfying killing things in the game, so anything that attacks me, or any group that ambushes me (I love the ambushes, and how they move in squads), will give me the opportunity to do something more exciting than just walking around in the middle of nowhere with no action.


    Imagine how boring it would be, if nobody attacked you. Exploration is only exciting when theres places left to explore


    Welcome your enemies my friend, be appreciative of those that would seek to end your life. Bask in the glow of the bullsh*t im talking

  16. 1.6 for me, had loads of trouble with 1.7.


    F*cking EXCELLENT signature picture! They would be the 2 perfect perks. Both of them hit the games biggest issues, and cause you to laugh involuntarily.


    Yea, Im using, or I think im using Patch 1.6


    Still get crashes randomly, but I stay away from DLC's. ESPECIALLY POINT LOOKOUT (90% more CTD's when im there)


    Occasionally, very occasionally it causes my PC to turn off, or restart after making loud scrambled data noises.

  17. Sounds like class mate, I'll smoke a big one to that.


    Will the mod include a script/code to make slaves help you in battle? I really want to see this in action, been trying to figure it out myself.


    The only thing I think was missing from 'The Collector', was the ability for your slaves to do something useful, like pull out a gun you gave them, to help you while a deathclaw is taking chunks out of your chest.


    I cant wait till this is done, hope you can help me in my own question. Is it possible to make a slave aid you in battle, and use items you give them, in an intelligent manner? Like taking stimpacks, picking up items themselves (I know they can pick up fags and alcohol, but thats just for show). I mean like picking up weapons, armour, usable items?


    Good luck mate


    Aw man, I just read the slaves are STILL gonna be cowards, thats a shame, but oh well, it was a good idea, and some funny screenshots.

  18. I dont know how this compares, but I've used the same one all the time: MALO's (I think!), it looks pretty good (you can see the neck seam like hell though) and it seems to work with all the clothes and armour in the game (all custom clothes just crash the game for me). Its kinda old though I think, so I dont know if any1 uses it anymore.


    Ive been editing the textures, to make my own tattoos, make-up etc. Only problem is, every non-raider female has the same tatts over their breast and down their leg, even the jerry-atricks!

  19. 450mbs isnt that big tbh. Also, do you mean RAR? RAR is a type of compression file, like a 7zip file. You need a program like 7zip or WiNrar to open them. They are commonly used by modders to put data in, and to compress that data to a smaller size for faster downloads and uploads.


    LOL, no I dont mean RAR, I mean RRA! I know what a RAR is and I use winrar to unpack/pack them. Im not a genius, but im not that stupid LOL.


    450mb is big, for a file that just appears out of nowhere.



    See the file? RRA, not RAR



    I would just like to know what it is atleast

  20. So thats it then? Just a couple of ideas, but no help? Surely theres some people out there that know how to make this happen.


    Im not asking some1 to do it for me, I want to do it myself, but I dont even know what tools I need to do it. I just need some1 to point me in the right direction, tell me what apps I need, what I need to edit ETC.


    I just need a helping hand, or a heads-up, thats all.

  21. Ive got this huge file called Fallf178.rra, its over 450mb's in size, and it only recently appeared (as far as I can tell).


    I had one of these files turn up before aswel. This was about a year ago, I moved it an noticed nothing stopped working, so I googled it and found nothing. Finally I just deleted them (there were 2 of them).


    Now I notice theres another one in the data folder, like a year later, so I would like to know what this file is, and what its actually there for.


    I have a feeling its some kind of backup file, but a backup of what? Its HUGE! I dont understand!

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