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Everything posted by Outlandstalker

  1. Simple browse to "Actors" > "Actor" > "Actor" > "UndeadDragonRace".
  2. Simple thing, put this script to the trigger and set it's properties. Scriptname SpawnActorScript extends ObjectReference ActorBase Property NPC Auto ObjectReference Property SpawnPlace Auto Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) If NPC && SpawnPlace SpawnPlace.PlaceActorAtMe(NPC) EndIf EndEvent
  3. You need to make only a little math. "SetAV" sets the "BaseAV" of an actor, but "GetAV" gets the total value of "BaseAV + ModAV" back. "ModAV" is the part you got from equipment, etc. So we need the "BaseAV". Scriptname MyLevelUpScript extends Actor Event OnStoryIncreaseLevel(int aiNewLevel) Self.SetAV("Health", Self.GetBaseAV("Health") + 20) Self.SetAV("Magicka", Self.GetBaseAV("Magicka") + 20) Self.SetAV("Stamina", Self.GetBaseAV("Stamina") + 20) EndEvent We set the "BaseAV" to "BaseAV + 20". The "ModAV" is untouced by the "SetAV". So this comes out: BaseAV + 20 + ModAV Don't use "GetAV + 20", because this contains the ModAV and then you have: BaseAV + ModAV + 20 + ModAV
  4. I'm working also on a mod and had the same problem with the necro skeletons not wearing other shields. > http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/imageshare/image.php?id=67864 So i checked the model list of the shields and i saw that the skeletons were not selected.
  5. The Name should not make a problem. But, when you made your own words for the shout, you have to teach them also.
  6. That's because the SkeletonRace is not selected in the ArmorAddon form of the orcish shield. When you open the form of the shield, there is a listbox called "Models", doubleclick the first entry. This will open the ArmorAddon of that shield. There you have to select the "SkeletonRace" in "Additional Races".
  7. A cloak effect should fix your range problem. Magic Effect 1 Effect Archetype: Cloak Casting Type: "Constant Effect" or "Fire and Forget", what you need Delivery: Self Assoc. Item 1: Spell 1 Spell 1 Type: Spell Casting: Concentration Delivery: Aimed Effect: Magic Effect 2 Magic Effect 2 Effect Archetype: What you need Casting Type: Concentration Delivery: Aimed Papyrus Scripts: What you need This works as follow: The cloak (Magic Effect 1) casts "Spell 1" on every target (friend and enemy) in his range. The range is defined by the magnitude of the cloak (Magic Effect 1). This also works through walls or objects that block line of sight.
  8. Topic post changed... ModActorValue Actor Value List Scriptname MyLevelUpScript extends Actor Event OnStoryIncreaseLevel(int aiNewLevel) Self.ModAV("Health", 20) Self.ModAV("Magicka", 20) Self.ModAV("Stamina", 20) EndEvent
  9. I know what you mean, but let us make it clear. The spriggans call of the wild spell has a 6k range. The magic effect tiself is a script effect with a script attached. This script is applied on every actor in that 6k range when it's casted. This is basicly the same you want to do, right? What did you configured in the spell and what in the magic effect? What type has your magic effect? When it's a cloak effect, than the range is defined by magnitude not by area.
  10. I think your problem are the missing words in your shout. You can't learn a shout when it has no words that you can unlock with souls. But i have no clue why they are not shown. I first have to take a look by my own.
  11. Scriptname LevelUpTest extends Actor Event OnStoryIncreaseLevel(int aiNewLevel) Debug.MessageBox("You just reached level " + aiNewLevel) EndEvent Simply put the script in the script table of the player actor.
  12. Bethesda has to patch their executable to support 64 bit, but that means they have to rework most parts of it. Basicly its a whole new game :)
  13. I can not tell you whether there is a wide-ranging restriction, but it can be. But if you want to charm actors on the other end of the world, then you really need to take really really really great values​​. Just to explain the dimensions of range :) Why not making a test spell with an script, which prints you the distance between you an the target in a notification? So you can determine the wanted range.
  14. Why not? Ram is so cheap at the moment, why not buying that much? I bought 16 GB for 40 euros 3 months ago. Back to topic... There is no workaround for that 4 GB limitation. Skyrim is developed for 32 bit and it will only support 32 bit until Bethesda makes a 64 bit executable. It is a pity that some developers still program their programs for 32 bit only. Skyrim would run much better if it supports 64 bit.
  15. Your script not making any sense to me. You moving the target of your spell to you and XXXHourseRef is not used. This should fix your compiler problem: Scriptname XYZ extends ActiveMagicEffect ObjectReference Property XXXHorseRef Auto Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) XXXHorseRef.MoveTo(Game.GetPlayer(), 100, 0, 0) EndEvent But, there is better way to summon a creature.
  16. If you want, i can take a look on it. Send me a pm with the esp.
  17. Maybe there is a problem with the conditions of the perks. They often use keywords to determine on which weapon they active. Did you check the "Weapon" tab in the perk entries and the weapons?
  18. Search for the player in actors and add your perks to them.
  19. Me again :) It's basicly the same as in your last post. Add a unique keyword to your weapon and create an ability effect with the "WornHasKeyword" and "IsWeaponOut" condition. "IsWeaponOut" has to be 2.
  20. You can do it with Keywords. There is a condition called "WornApparelHasKeywordCount". First you have to create a new Keyword and put it on each item you want in the set. Now create a ability effect with your magic effects and add the "WornApparelHasKeywordCount" condition to each. The condition needs a parameter with an keyword (your keyword) and a value (item count). Create a perk with an ability entry which is targeting to the created ability. Last you have to place the perk in the players actor perk list. This is the same way Bethesda did with the Nightingale set.
  21. There is a effect called "dunKatariahScimitarEffect" in "Magic Effect", it does exactly what you want. You only have to remove the "GetRandomPercent" condition and put that effect in an enchantment. The strenght of the knockback is set in the attached script.
  22. Before you can set the value of a variable, you have to define it at the top at your script. ScriptName <insert name here> Extends <whatever> Int VarA = 1 ;<-- This line defines "VarA" as integer and initialized it with 1 VarA = 1 ;<-- This doesn't work, because it's outside a sub or function Event OnLoad() VarA = 1 ;<-- This works, because "VarA" is defined and inside the sub of the "OnLoad" event VarB = 1 ;<-- This doesn't work, because "VarB" isn't defined EndEvent Hope it helps.
  23. Sounds like a problem with the load order of your mods. Did you tried BOSS? > http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=6 I had this problem sometimes, because i had forgot to bring the new mods in the right order.
  24. I got a massage from Alexandrox an hour ago. He said he stops his work, because modding has made him a sad person. It’s not because negative feedback, he only has no more energy for modding. Maybe he gives his work to someone to continue.
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