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  1. Who invented civilization anyway?
    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. Nadin


      especially as we spend more to create more liveable areas. EG--china and india are both overpopulated. However, greenland, iceland, canada, Etc. are all vastly less populated. There's plenty of room, especially considering the population density of even just a suburb, let alone a full-blown metropolis.

      War and civilization are separate beasts. War was there first, and, should civilization fall, will be there after. The act of war between two countries is the antithesis of civilizatio...

    3. Nadin


      civilization itself, so does it really matter here?

      Cheer up! Future's not all bad. I think we're gonna be okay!



      Again, civilization did not create itself, nor did it magically come into being, it was chosen. By *people*. And people *can* change, over time. But yes, understanding will definitely help.

    4. Keanumoreira


      I didn't say it did. I said that civilization was made by man and how it affects us.
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