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About Keanumoreira

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  1. Who invented civilization anyway?
    1. Show previous comments  32 more
    2. Ithildin


      *agrees with Keanu* <3
    3. Deleted54170User


      I said, "civilization wasn't invented". Civilization is built upon many failings which were turned into modern methods to live better in the growing populace. Share and share alike and more of us will survive. Invent better ways to live, grow good food, share, and make tools that simplify life so we can continue living in the growing population which in some cases individual's would rather use their energies to fight to survive. In their way that is the way making it so mo...
    4. Deleted54170User


      ...re of us will die. In their way, one of them will be atop the heap of the dead in the end, "Alone". The last person standing. I have learned to invent, I am learning to grow food, and I am learning something to prevent famine and war. What are you learning?
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