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Everything posted by mmchaos9898

  1. Hy community pls make this mod conversion im not good mod conversion and i rely need this se mod in le version. mod name Keo's Skimpy Outfit Replacer - SSE CBBE BodySlide send the file link whichneed conver in le version. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/15943?tab=posts&BH=3 pls make this mod avaible in le version thx. i rely thankfull that mod maker who can do this convert mod . i hoping soon se that mod in le aswell. thx
  2. hy mod maker community my moded fallout 4 almost complete lot of favorite gam hair or outflith mod found hiden some modpack but few best outflit and hair or character present missing or deleted. example marie rose,momiji outflith cammy white hair mod . now if possible to make momiji outflith mod relly good. But mostly th dead alive 6 police normal and cyber outhflith interest.
  3. thx that the mod comunity one c komod gone is no avaible . than why not make nexus vault mod website where can old mod can return.
  4. 2 afenmale power armor shape mod on nexus but both have problem one of themno same shape build in body slide studio other the power armor somem part cliping . the two mod is paam power armo mod othe power armo body slide. somthing beter which all power armo part togerther femalepower armor shapeno cliping body build instruction and power aemor body shape fuction build in. hoping sombody can make female power armo without somthing not good.
  5. hy nexus mod one old mod i rely want to download again in fallout 4 but teh mod delete i send 2 message to creator but no answer yet. Institute Specter and Banshee Armor Outfit by Reptileye posible reupload this mod with separete helmet version. Here the oild mod post wich show is deleted https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/31775. i Hoping this mod coming back .
  6. Hy mod maker comunity ai see some mod live long and remanming on the website some was deleted . Now one mod which i use fallout 4 is now on delete and the mod unfutunet new pc need biuy and mod lost . the autor or who have the od pls with authorization reupload on nexus the mod name Institute Specter and Banshee Armor Outfit by Reptileye. i hoping the mod can come back and download again .
  7. So Body mod the hole mod instalation for me handle the body mpod not glitch the fitsh 3 time because aaf plus the adult mod need proper instal order folow to work after 3 reinstal make permament body glith which make the whole daz to reinstal the game and plus reinstal all 130 mod. And lot forum didnt contain fix orderor any mod incompatibility info. Once instaled proper body mod and physick try notmess up because pain redo evrithing. i now this reinstal thin evrywere not same becaasue internet streng and how strong pc owned. But for me pain
  8. unfortunetly vortex dont have automatick mod removal when unistal game and after cant delete mod. the only way fix delete vortex then reinstal
  9. yeah rellz need this clotes . cruz murasama clotes mod maked onlz blade berer clotesh need.
  10. no if therre cycle try drag the right position if not fixed thas mean to muchfile use the same requered file so one mod need removed. but try drag the right order the file adn maybe work if not much mod use the same file.
  11. You need lloot tes 5 edit and mod organiyer. Chek the mod conlichth list whch red and need start put mod together to dont have conflict i now still hard if you avae 137 mod. Bit some mdo is not compatible because to old dile data or not compatible because lot mode is make conflict ecah other. And prepare to take at leat 5 hour to fix mod conflit because tes edit dont have option to automaticly stat fix. conflitc. i can say good play skyrim with mod but is the price is take your free dfay to fixit.
  12. Hy yeah this one way to trouble shootthe problem but i try lot mod combo and max limit i try 150 mod. 150 mod is over moded and computer cant handle because to mcuh exapmle if to much hd tranformation mod which broke original file go frez the game. i use 130 mod whcich i test and work properly not contains any visual effect. because those visual effect somtime broke game. Skyrim 5 edit help but not to much when run error serach not show where conflictt or animation change etc. Try again and agin until you dount perfect best mod combo which not g0o over 130 mod.
  13. To delete all mod and no remaning mod file which cras the game when rainstall need ripp all necus mod skyrim folder and need rip skyrim folder the game and need clear skse data as well then need do again instal mod cerdully to not crash mod.
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