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  1. So I just noticed that some names in Whiterun have changed languages to Spanish and I have no idea what's caused it. The thing is Whiterun seems to be the only place that is affected. And only a few random places in Whiterun, like the War Maiden, the barracks, and 1 or 2 other places. I checked every other city and they all seemed fine. I've got a ton of mods installed and I've tried disabling quite a few that I thought might be causing it but I haven't found the culprit yet, if it's even caused by a mod. So can anyone think of a reason why this would happen? Also please forgive me if this isn't the proper place to put this.
  2. The way I see it is that it will give mod authors a chance to get their mods out there to more people and that can never be a bad thing right? On the other hand there will be mods available some places while not in others and that can be good or bad.
  3. I think this does what you are looking for: http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4735 It will also let you get the enchants from every other unique weapon/item in the game. Of course it requires you to sacrifice a dawnbreaker though. But it has a fix for that as well.
  4. A skyrim version of Marts Mutant Mod without a doubt.
  5. Looks interesting, I'd try it out.
  6. Well it can be justified by saying you're not just typing in a console command and instantly have a skill raised to 200. Instead it's raised naturally through use. At least that's how I look at it. :D It would even be okay if skill progression slowed down quite a bit past 100, as well. Is there an ETA on when the construction set will be released?
  7. I am humbly requesting a mod that would allow me to raise skills beyond 100 and hopefully still gain experience from them. I know there are potions that can do this and I can use the console but the first is expensive and fairly limited and the second one is cheating. There are mods that slow down and speed up leveling so I'm assuming this can be done.
  8. Well preferably I don't want to cheat to get skills beyond 100 (I know as far as crafting skills go there are potions). It would be nice if I could progress them through use alone. I know there were mods that did this in Oblivion so I assume it can be done for Skyrim as well. I guess this should be in the mod request forum.
  9. I agree with the dragons skidding around in the sky though. That's the only one that looks out of place to me. And when riding a horse across a river the entire horses face is under water, that could be fixed, too.
  10. Doesn't belong? You are complaining about something that is completely 100% totally up to the user to decide to use. If it ruins the game for you then that's your problem. Then again, I also some what agree. Maybe smithing the high end stuff, ebony level and higher could/should take 10x the materials and a wider variety of materials or something. I'm sure some one will create a mod to make it harder to craft at some point.
  11. You don't have to use the armor you made you know, if it's so game breaking for you.
  12. I'm looking for a mod to raise skills above 100, is there one yet? I'd look through the nexus site but it's pretty much unusable for me right now. Edit: I guess I put this in the wrong section, oopsy.
  13. Thanks for the quick replies guys. As luck would naturally have it I answered my own question immediately after I posted this thread though. I mean seriously, what kind of twisted logic is it that a blacksmith sells smithing supplies. Who'd have thought?
  14. I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but I'm going to anyways... So I'm looking for steel ingots to improve my armor and do some smithing but I can't find any. Suggestions on where to look? Thanks in advance. Edit: Nevermind.. I'm stupid. You can buy the dang things. Stupid thread a result of playing on very little sleep. lol A mod or someone with the appropriate power can lock/delete this thread.
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