Thanks for the walk through, CDCooley. Let it be known, these settings are all 'default' to mean that I installed Skyrim and dlc, then mods, et cetera, then looked at it and these are the values I was given. I never screw with any config or .ini. files unless there is a specifically stated line/value to change for a reason I specifically need. I'll go through and, after making a copy on the desktop(just in case) kill what you suggested and see what happens. I really haven't had any actual issues but given what you said about the issues some of those values can create, it can't hurt to follow your advice, especially if I do experience another freeze/crash. Here's what I did: [Papyrus]fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS = 500.0bEnableLogging = 0bEnableTrace = 0bLoadDebugInformation = 0fUpdateBudgetMS = 1.4fExtraTaskletBudgetMS = 1.4 I know you said to just delete most of this, et cetera, but I am loathe to delete anything when I am having no to minimal issues. I did delete the imaxallocatedbytes line as per your suggestion but everything else I put at or near default. Again, thanks for taking the time to be concise. It really helped and, in case someone else has some issues like mine, maybe this will save them some frustration, lol.