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About Shamikka

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  • Currently Playing
    Mass Effect 1 & 2
  • Favourite Game
    Dragon Age & Mass Effect 2!!!

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Enthusiast (6/14)

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  1. ♫ 。*H*A*P*P*Y* 。 *N*E*W* 。 *Y*E*A*R* 。♫
  2. *Sneak peek*


  3. doesn't get a chance to visit here often right now. I'll reply to you asap!
  4. Happy Easter back at you! :) thanx
  5. Happy Easter to you as well! Thanx :o)
  6. I'll admit it, lol And I draw my sword for the first fetcher that laughs ~hehe~ Thanks for yours back! :o)
  7. LOL welcome to the "soft sisterhood" then! :D I confess that sobbing is probably more like it for me too but I refuse to admit that publicly. lmao

    Thanx for the note!! :o)

  8. "Does anyone else cry watching Gladiator???" Cry?? How about sob! Us softies gotta stick together :o)
  9. Hey! :) Returning the visit, thought I'd say hiya! hope you're well!! :banana:

    ps.. I'm bored today LOL

  10. Wow, I thought for sure I was on the wrong forum at first LOL I very much prefer the old forum, but guess I'll just have to get used to this :tongue: I'm having a lil bit of trouble finding where to set the setting to allow adult content. I've looked in my profile where it was on the other version but I'm not able to find it. Any tips?? anyone? please? Thanx!! ~Shamikka~
  11. Ugh isn't that the truth! I went there a few times, to look around. I find there's some things there that aren't here on nexus. My gawd that site is just horrid.. everything is everywhere, it has no rhyme nor reason. Thank goodness for nexus.. is all I can say. They help me keep my mod searching sanity in check :whistling: ~Shamikka~
  12. Hey Rebel :), just noticed Dez is gone :( plz tell her hi if you talk to her? Thanx!!
  13. Thanx Monolithic :) I think I'll take your advice, makes sense and I wouldn't want to miss out on anything. Thanx so much for your reply! ~Shamikka~
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