ive tried doing it and failed though most of the mojaves weather was changed it wouldnt work on goodspring, but yea if anyone knows how to use the geck it be awesome to play monster mod or DUST with it
so i downloaded a mod the makes the ight darker but i found another one that i like more, if i remoe the first one i installed and will it brake my save and make me crash? do i have to start a new game?
so theres this glitch that happens when I install 2 mods... mission Mojave and AWOP and it sucks cause I feel like im missing out on a lot.... even if they're installed individually I still get it. does anyone know whats the problem? heres a link http://imgur.com/a/aoXzd
so I really like some mods though I don't use em because of this http://imgur.com/a/aoxzd it only happens when I have awop or mission Mojave wich sucks cause I feel like im missing out on a lot..... does anyone know what could be the problem?