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About SilverDNA

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    http://I'm working on it ...
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    FNV FO3 Oblivion and too many more
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    FO3 Morrowind, Oblivion, and may more

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  1. I have a Samsung since this year. It was a decision between Samsung and LG so if you don`t want a Samsung go LG. Made myself a pot of Curry for dinner. Oh Boy, was that was a win! :thumbsup:
  2. On the 8th of Dec. I celebrate Afflux, on the 10th Chanukka starts and on the 23rd Yule;- Now my win! What a merry month! :laugh:
  3. "Hasso ... you live?" - "No, I am the ghost from Hamlet." "You have to be a ghost, as a person you weren't that educated." "Politicians always find something to govern, even if there is nothing left for a long time." Only some quotes just to make Pagafyr search for something nostalgic that is also cult and trash and to claim the win.
  4. A book, a kingdom for a book!A good book never lets you down.A very good book is often read more than onceAnd since the situation can't get any worse screwed up.I vote for a book that exactly is screwed up very badly.I vote fora book that is also in some way unbreakable, due to the tests of time and human beings. So I vote for unbreakable coded in a screwed up scribbled way Voynich manuscript
  5. bonitas non est pessimis esse meliorem Translated: To be good, it is not enough to be better than the worst. - Lucius Annaeus Seneca
  6. http://thetango.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/random-03_05_13-500-11-1fe9304f-sz500x666-animate-465x620.jpg Double locked and labeled. :laugh:
  7. Read "Fahrenheit 451" on Kindle Fire?
  8. Kyriarchy ("rule by a lord"; from the Greek κύριος/kyrios "lord or master" and αρχή/arche "authority, leadership") Is a social system or set of connecting social systems built around domination, oppression, and submission.
  9. "Yer studying Dalek head bumps? Yer aff yer heid!" xenophone (xénos, “foreign, of a stranger”) +(phone, “sound”) A sound in speech that is not native to the language being spoken; a sound from a foreign language.
  10. http://www.stuffistumbledupon.com/wp-content/uploads/Funny%20Text%20Messages/Autocorrect%20Fail%20Funny%20Text%20Messages%20Blog%20Funny%20Text%20Messages%20Meme%20SMS%20LOL%20apple%20Iphone%20cellphone%203547.jpg
  11. http://i.huffpost.com/gen/1371308/thumbs/o-BEST-BEARD-PHOTOS-570.jpg?6 Lv000 you could look like this and scare children in the dark. :laugh:
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