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About SilverDNA

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    http://I'm working on it ...
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  1. There's so many pain in the world can we fight against it with laughter?
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Netwit2008


      Well said Balagor! I concur. We can sure try :o)
    3. VesemirTheWitcher


      Well, as i see it, laughter is the last refuge of man.

      when you're speechless, powerless or helpless, you laugh.

      you laugh to feel better, to feel that you don't care about your weaknesses, which makes you feel powerful.

      and, when you feel pain, all you want is to feel better.

      therefore, when you feel pain, and can do nothing about it, you laugh to feel better.

      And it works.

      although, there's one alternate situation where something so damn funny happe...

    4. VesemirTheWitcher


      happens and all you can do is just hold onto your sides! :P


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