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Posts posted by SilverDNA

  1. Perhaps they would enlighten us, showing us the ways of Space travel.


    I would like to see us humans figure that out on our own. It would make us lazy intellectually to have a superior species teach us all their little secrets without having the ingenuity to develop these on our own. That would be cheating, in a way. Traveling the Universe will come in time, probably not within any of our lifetimes though.

    Well according to the Kardashev scale, we may need aliens to help us with space travel. The Kardashev scale explains that right now, humans are below a level one civ., having harnessed nearly all our home planet's resources. The scale indicates that if we don't get off our planet and become a level two civ. soon, or a typical space faring civ., then we WILL destroy ourselves either through war or starvation.

    thank you for reminding me to read again of this old treasures of book I have a long time in my private collection.



    Illegal Aliens

    by Nick Pollotta (Author) and Phil Foglio (Author)



    I have to read it again.


    On of the worst, fumiest first contacts I've ever read about. I can only endorse this warmly to everybody interested in this matter what can go wrong if we play meet and greet with aliens. Look on Amazon.com for a short editorial review. If you want to know how bad first contact can get.


    But in general it always comes to the old game of cat an mice or more related to original meet and greet question at witch end of a The Kill-O-Zap™ gun your are standing and how you have gotten there.

  2. Hello all

    as most of you know, i had my wisdom teeth out one week ago today. I have GOOD NEWS... i had a cheeseburger... with bacon... AND I LOVED IT

    Congratulations on that. A week with out a proper meal to chew on. (Think of it this way as a minor test when you are 70 to 80 years old and have no teeth.)



    I hold one moment in silence for the animal that died to ensure your meal ....


    ok done....

  3. Hey I thought you were a chick (and I'm a chick, so no offense taken) too Silver. :smile:


    I only find that the term "chick" is offensive . (If you wanna be treated with respect you have to show it to others first.)



    To your question:


    My third eye is telling me that I should chose the Hump on the back. (because Quasimodo was very respectful to Esmeralda.)


    Fins or Wings as body upgrade?

  4. Oh, I found this lines in an old book form Artur Bloch's "Murphy's Law (Book 1 to 3)"


    Ginsbers theories:

    You can not win.

    You can not stop.

    you can not miss out on the game


    Freeman's comment to Ginsbers theories

    Every major philosophy that attempts to make life meaningful, is based on the denial of Ginsberg's theories.


    Capitalism is based on the assumption that you can win.

    Socialism is based on the assumption that you can also stop.

    Myth is based on the assumption that you can do without the game.


    it seams to me that the other three Communism, Feudalism and Mercantilism fall into category of myth but I can not prove it so I leave this up to you.

  5. You have to be some more kind of specific On /In /Under the Atlantic or Pacific


    - case of On -  I would chose B Pacific (much more interesting for me)


    - case of In -  I would chose B Pacific (in reminiscent of Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe)


    - case of Under - I would chose A Atlantic (Atlantis is a nice vacation spot this season of the year)




    Quantity or Quality of food to eat?



  6.    An inefficient empire wouldn't survive long and drive to anarchy and corruptness every day. (The decline of the roman empire is an good example I think.) Think it through an empire that last only 5 to 20 years isn't a good one, or what do you think? So an efficient one would last longer.   


    Trotzdem ist jedes Reich immer untergegangen, egal ob 'effizient' oder nicht...man koennte sagen, dass das Untergehen der Struktur des Reiches innewohnt.

    Jedwedes Bemuehen angesichts dessen, um ein Reich entstehen zu lassen, wuerde zwangslaeufig zum Untergang fuehren, aufgrund der dem Reich innewohnenden Natur und zwar der des Untergehens...nicht wahr?


    Das ist eine wahre Aussage.


    Weswegen ich deine Beabsichtigung bei diesem Thread in Frage stelle...?


    the longer lasting the greater, the greater and longer lasting the empire the more the historic relevance it had/has/will have.

  7. Good for the account of your lawyer bad for your account i would say.

    both... first try peace if it ain't working the use war. If war started already without you being informed

    then you have to ask again later....

    at your local weapon trader...

    for the Super Perforator.

    the YouTube commercial for you Super Perforator you find here:







    Illegal Alien form over the border or Illegal Alien from out of space in your kitchen.



    @ Keanumoreira, isn't it a little disrespectful to call a girl/woman a chick, you don't want to be called sausage by them either or is that the way you tell them that you are the right one for them to initiate a mating ritual?

  8. An inefficient empire wouldn't survive long and drive to anarchy and corruptness every day. (The decline of the roman empire is an good example I think.) Think it through an empire that last only 5 to 20 years isn't a good one, or what do you think? So an efficient one would last longer.


    Trotzdem ist jedes Reich immer untergegangen, egal ob 'effizient' oder nicht...man koennte sagen, dass das Untergehen der Struktur des Reiches innewohnt.

    Jedwedes Bemuehen angesichts dessen, um ein Reich entstehen zu lassen, wuerde zwangslaeufig zum Untergang fuehren, aufgrund der dem Reich innewohnenden Natur und zwar der des Untergehens...nicht wahr?


    Das ist eine wahre Aussage. / This is a true statement.

  9. Two words only to that what historically happened and has been proved by science and at least again within the last year by an pseudo disgusting TV-Show as far as I know. (and you know whats attacking minorities makes easy. Especial the weak)


    Milgram experiment

  10. I'm always sorry to lose an fan. (Image is my first oblivon character on her first pose) I feel sorry, about the irritation and the temporary physiological disturbance that needed major treatment, that I've caused.


    To your question mate:


    Since I'm not dumb enough to be stupid. ... well that leaves it to Ignorance.


    A lifetime with Murphy's Law or lifetime with Death sounding you. (Yes, Death plays poker like hell, but is an awfully bad looser.)

  11. Heyeth thateth iseth myeth lineth/eth.eth

    :tongue: megaeth rofleth



    Sorryeth, Ieth willeth noteth takeeth crediteth toeth, buteth youeth hadeth goeth fastereth thaneth meeth.



    Thoughteth alwayeth thateth godseth wereeth thateth fasteth, buteth noweth ieth knoweth bettereth.

  12. OK then how about an efficient, internally socially equitable empire as the starting point? Sooner or later I knew that I'd run afoul of posters as grammatically picky as I am. lol

    I'm looking forward to exploit your imagination .... of an empire. (I might have nebula guess of what you might come up, but I can't tell for sure, so I'm tight nailed as the extension of my back.)


  13. An inefficient empire wouldn't survive long and drive to anarchy and corruptness every day. (The decline of the roman empire is an good example I think.) Think it through an empire that last only 5 to 20 years isn't a good one, or what do you think? So an efficient one would last longer.
  14. Since political correctness is overrated.  To Hell with that live it short.


    Definitively indecent! Boy's wanna have fun too! :tongue:





    Card games or dice games



  15. "It's just a jump to the left!"


    "Let's do the time-warp" (Future, great, could be landing in a wasteland!)


    How can I get nasty?


    Soccer world championship or your Girl-/Boy-friend?

  16. I am not in favour of abolishing the Electoral College because like Jefferson I think that would replace the tyranny of the few with the tyranny of the many. I am aware that in the UK there was much debate about direct voting for the PM by the Liberal Dems, I think that given the proportion of actual voters that vote in the US it would not work here.


    Ironically enough that during the time of Jefferson not even all "white"males can vote,and I've never really liked Jefferson that much either,but I have to say I don't think the U.S. system in the sense how it's really set up and suppose to work as it is the power holders to blame they are the ones who take what the system is an turn it with their politics.To me the system is awesome on paper,but there is still the incalculable human error to think about. If I remember my U.S. history(I hope I do) for awhile I think after Madison somewhere a long early the President was voted not to be the President,but to be later voted on by a council of others who were voted in to vote for President and then lose got vice president. Although I may be totally wrong.


    I can basically agree.


    If a governmental system doesn't work quite right (argued out in a reasonable way), then it must be adapted to work (again argued out in a reasonable way).




  17. In building an empire one must face and answer this questions:


    • To what purpose is the military in an empire?
    • To what purpose is the executive in an empire?
    • To what purpose is the legislative in an empire?
    • To what purpose is the judiciary in an empire?
    • To what purpose is the economic value of an empire?
    • To what purpose is the journalism in an empire?
    • How would the people react to this government?

    It is not important to answer these questions from top to bottom, but to answer them all to an satisfactory end. The line of questions is not as important as the answers they lead to and the new questions the answers open up. (If you want a visual model think of an huge palace with many locked rooms. If you find the key to one room and enter it you have to search the room for a key to the next room. (the more rooms (answers) you get in to, the more keys (questions) you have. And may the best win this race into the Imperial palace.)




    If you can bring all those questions under a hat, without any flaws, that by any scientific way can be brought down, then I would congratulate you, because you found out the ultimate formula to world peace.


    I wish you to have fun in the maze of building an world empire.





    "In deed!"


    "Why not take both Dr. Smith?"


    The Full Monty Python assemble comes on stage singing "The Galaxy Song" until the line "Because there's *censored* all down here on Earth."




    Douglas Adams or Terry Pratchett books for our LOST sequel here?



  19. Hmm, it's either a slinky or the railing on an escalator. Or just a stair railing.


    I am too much for one to keep, just enough to share for two, but I am nothing at all when owned by three. What am I?


    A "Marriage" would fit in my opinion.



    an easy one:


    Try to rhyme not the first and last,


    you need something nearly found everywhere,


    I can not be seen but I'm no jest,


    you need me to answer this out loud,


    to find out my clues out, go really fast.



    Have fun. :smile:

  20. Since I stated before that I don't like holes, made with pogo sticks, at end of my back and thus always wear Titanium full plate underwear. (for more than one reason alone) 


    I like a nice clean Decapitation so I can join the the headless hunt in the afterlife.


    Demon or Devil ?



  21. Taco reminds me of my next meal. :woot:


    P.S. CommanderCrazy One "2" too many 2 hydrogen and 1 (and only one) oxygen molecules. What you brewed in your alchemy lab, I wouldn't drink, (hydrogen peroxide) sorry the :geek: :geek: s in me did shortly had the upper hand. (*Aside to the the group of Doctors* "Now get back to the box you live in and come back when you found the formula of something I really wanna drink. Let's say Cappuccino with nice cream on top please!")


    that reminds me there's something missing


    Cappuccino or Latte macchiato?

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