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Everything posted by SilverDNA

  1. I like Denmark, nice country friends of me make their holidays there! I want to express my point of view on the hole. Non of the systems does include fully individualism and that's what counts to me most. It all comes down to a minority govern the majority completely ignoring individualism. So every body has his strengths and weaknesses as an individual. And every Individual regardless of strengths and weaknesses is in worth even in it's rights. And not a group of people can shorten that rights. Amicus iure, sed magis amica veritas. (Plain translated: I'm a friend of the laws, but more friendly I'm to the truth.) The simplest truth of it all is that if a minority rules above the majority, individualism is valued even more less. In that case you have to adapt to that society, meaning that you have to bow your head to society and become a slave. If you don't follow society you will feel the beast that lurks within it and become an outcast. Meaning in clearly that a majority is disrespecting, or even more insulting, ignoring Individualism. Have fun!
  2. The best debate about the glass. It's the topic of this. I've covered above a lot of the physics and the philosophical view of the glass from my point of view. My 1st simple statement reached into the math and logical proved that there is no zero. My 2nd statement above implied the questions "Who are you? and how do you view the world?" Well, 1st that moved the debate on a point where it's useless to argue with simple math. 2nd I've made it shift to the simple social question that is constantly bothering every body. I assume, that going of topic is a way to say that I've been right and the debate is closed. :biggrin: If not, then argue on about a glass that is filled with every matter of oneself. :whistling: Since you've broad it on the table, why not shift the view of the glass to religion?
  3. In my opinion there isn't any empty glass, because if it is visually empty it still has air in it. And if you would use a vacuum pump to make it airless, it still has vacuum in it. If we look at the position of negative and positive of that view, I can assume that there is never a truly negative that can't be solve in a way or another. Or in other words: The only problem is the individual point of view in this debate, because every body is thinking something else and adopts the positioning in the debate with his own view the negative and positive. If you view the glass you look into yourself.
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