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Everything posted by SilverDNA

  1. Tales of the Twisted -The Twisted Revenge (Part 2) (Original Title:Chronicles of the Twisted part 3 ) Written for an adventurous band who played together AD&D in the Forgotten Realms Re-written for the Nexus July 2010 He stood there for a long time until the dwarf emerged. Finally! He thought to himself. He prepared his mind to the spell he was about to cast then held up his holy symbol and whispered the incarnation of the spell. Right on time the dwarf reached the middle of the now deserted marketplace. From three different locations in the sky, lightnings flashed through the night, to convert on the spot where the dwarf was. He could see, after his eyes readjusted to the night that the spot where the lightning had struck had blackened and the dwarf seamed to be a little smoke rising slightly from the dwarf still standing in the middle of the marketplace. The to his horror, the dwarf turned his head to the mountains in the opposite direction of his vantage point and bellowed loud into the night, "Huh! Bad weather?" then turned to his original way and moved along to the next inn. He then heard a chuckle behind him and tried to move around but couldn't. Like a statue he was standing an couldn't move. Then the chuckle did stop and a clam male voice emerged from within it. "Sometimes the poesy of the gods is peace and justice." After a short silence the voice added. "Remember that priest of destruction. I'd admit you where to fast in casting that spell and that you violated my temple and my goddess. I know that my spell won't hold you long. Now what will I do with you? Oh, I'll tell you. First I'm getting the sheriff, if you are still here He will gag and bind you and then the mayor will decide what to do with you. If you manage to break that spell of mine in time to run then you should know that I'm going, either way, to have a little chat with your magnificent friend who can withstand three lighting strikes of the heavens and still walk Fearûn. Should you be gone, if I'm coming back with the sheriff, I advice you to run far away as you can for I intend to send message of your doings and a good description of you to every town and village which is in a ten days ride from here. For peace sake now I'm going to get the sheriff." He heard the roof door slam and then the turning of the key in the look of the door. Now he was in panic. He was there frozen and the only way to escape was looked. 'First the spell than the lock.' He tried to calm himself. 'Think! To break a hold spell it needs time or another spell. He then could see a bear of a man in a priest robe emerge from the temple and run to the direction where the house of the sheriff was. The Hold spell was slowly going to fade he could already move his eyebrows. Within a minute he was free and thought about killing the priest and the sheriff, but decided against it. As the spell ended he came into motion. His only option was to get as fast of town as possible. There was only one mage spell he had that could save him and he hatted it for the spell component. So searched his bag of components at his girdle for the little vial containing a living spider. In no time he had found it, and made the incarnation and opened the vial and shallowed the hole spider. He wasn't sorry about to loosing this particular spell. Next he got to the side wall of the temple roof and started to place his fingers on the wall and stared climbing down. As soon as he was on the the solid ground again he started running to the stables, where he found a boy sleeping on a bag. He cut the throat of the stable boy and saddled a brown horse he found trustworthy, then he took the reigns of the horse and took an oil filled lamp and throwed the lamp onto a pile of hay which started slowly to burn. As he mounted the horse he drew on last glance back at the stables. The fire would hold off pursuer long enough to make it to one of the towns near by where he could hide and learn the name of the dwarf. Then next he was off into the night riding as fast as he could with thoughts about revenge on the dwarf and how he could pay him back for today. In the many years that came after this day the mage/priest of destruction and the dwarf had more than one meeting with one another. Neither could manage to turn their battles to full victory over the other. Dedicated to one of the best played dwarfs I had the chance to play aside with. - End of Part 2 of 2 - And I apologise to let you waiting for it.
  2. http://www.amazing-animations.com/cartoons/animations/roadrunner2.gif.......................1.......................http://www.amazing-animations.com/cartoons/animations/roadrunner8.gif
  3. They do that once a week with me since I'm supporting a metal radio DJ for 2 hours a week I personally know of. lol Sometime in the middle 80ties heavy metal wasn't any good any more for me, because the bands I've heard before from the seventies adapted to what I call candy metal or broke apart. I'm listening more to old songs than new ones.
  4. "one" mind control technique ha - ha ! http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_Aqv2jsBO41k/R6RkyvaewOI/AAAAAAAAAo8/ocXbNcHnXwQ/s320/hypnose.jpg
  5. SilverDNA

    This or That?

    B Pork or Chicken?
  6. http://www.gif-paradies.de/gifs/fabelwesen/drachen_hq/0021.gif .....1
  7. http://www.gif-paradies.de/gifs/gemischtes/glitzer/gothic/gothik_0012.gif......1
  8. http://www.amazing-animations.com/cartoons/animations/roadrunner2.gif.......................1.......................http://www.amazing-animations.com/cartoons/animations/roadrunner8.gif
  9. 2http://pix.motivatedphotos.com/2008/10/30/633610003207637188-Childhood.jpg
  10. 2http://pix.motivatedphotos.com/2008/10/11/633593299602688557-PhotoBomber.jpg
  11. http://blawgirl.julieanneines.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/funny-pictures-kitten-and-puppy-watch-a-scary-movie-together.jpg2
  12. 2sometimes I need only ten minutes sleep a day http://bulk.destructoid.com/ul/user/1/14167-64215-HAL9000LOLjpg-550x.jpg
  13. http://v2.sagubooru.com/data/3/0a24dddbb53ed7872471250cbaf5ecde/ext=jpg/0a24dddbb53ed7872471250cbaf5ecde.jpg
  14. 3http://help.com/user-avatars/57/user-photo-44984-896699.jpg
  15. no one names me noob http://www.guzer.com/pictures/sun_tan_surprise.jpg It's raining then for only you
  16. Krimzin yes but with google help translate so this is one goofy thing. Need http://www.jroller.com/MasterMark/resource/_21477BP~Looney-Tunes-Wile-E-Coyote-Posters2.jpg
  17. 2http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/funny-pictures-cat-falls-asleep-by-bed.jpg
  18. "Daddy, daddy, can I have another glass of water please?" "But that's the tenth one I've given you tonight." "Yes, but the baby's bedroom is still on fire."
  19. SilverDNA

    Funny Quotes

  20. http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z108/jbird2093/royal-flush.jpg Take the pot and ban you Krimzin
  21. http://www.us-way.de/dart/11065.jpg
  22. http://bp0.blogger.com/_mmBw3uzPnJI/SI9JAVa2m9I/AAAAAAAAQMI/WoGBEMpGieQ/s400/Funny_Sign_Boards_17.jpg I think bed's calling after me so that's the last one
  23. 1http://pix.motivatedphotos.com/2009/1/14/633675340322107649-Rejection.jpg
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