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Posts posted by SilverDNA

  1. @Werne Tomorrow morning you can make a capital city before the great nation of Werne expires and in the evening name it. :yes:

    For a Psychotic Dictatorship you are one of the South Pacific top 5% political extremes country with in the top %5 top income equality. :turned:
    Seams if you continue on that way you can get to 750 Million people might consider to name the leader Che. :rolleyes:

  2. Wutha is the same noise I make when blowing my nose!

    Hashsiiiish is the noises i make when I sneeze!

    And Xerography is a dry photocopying technique invented by Chester Carlson in 1938, for which he was awarded U.S. Patent 2,297,691

    Carlson originally called his invention electrophotography

    That you come by to know, when you are at work, waiting that someone in the tiny photocopy/printer room gets finished, before lunch ends.

  3. :devil: that is always the meaning heartburn here in the EU. If a woman makes the face I predict lots of mustard in the sauce of your meal.
    Have milk ready just in case or keep watching out if the milk is gone. It is sign.of warning.

  4. Oh dear Werne!
    Wait till she gets UFO (Unidentified Female Object) and hunts you with flying saucers you need to pew pew down with your heat vision, or get smacked hard by the female pan inquisition (FPI) for telling here cucumbers, sour herrings, and honey aren't available for a meal together.



    are 18 kinds of elemental motions used in the study of motion economy in the workplace. A workplace task is analyzed by recording each of the therblig units for a process, with the results used for optimization of manual labor by eliminating unneeded movements.

    Dear God, where did you did that one up Silver...lol


    Acronychal- occurring after dark or nightfall


    The normal German terror at work to measure hidden pauses. Of course nobody knows the term in English unless you look it up. :laugh:


    Heptarchy (Greek: seven + realm)

    is a collective name applied to the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of south, east, and central Great Britain during late antiquity and the early Middle Ages, conventionally identified as seven: Northumbria, Mercia, East Anglia, Essex, Kent, Sussex and Wessex. The Anglo-Saxon kingdoms eventually unified into the Kingdom of England.

    (That one I stumbled upon reading some historic based novel some years ago.)

    The term has been in use since the 16th century, but the initial idea that there were seven Anglo-Saxon kingdoms is attributed to the English historian Henry of Huntingdon in the 12th century and was first used in his Historia Anglorum.

  6. Therblig(s)

    are 18 kinds of elemental motions used in the study of motion economy in the workplace. A workplace task is analyzed by recording each of the therblig units for a process, with the results used for optimization of manual labor by eliminating unneeded movements.

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