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Everything posted by urumizawa

  1. Trying to get into papyrus, I want to make a spell that specifically targets clutter items, but before getting into the script it has to target the right object in the first place. the items I currently have in mind are conveniently grouped under Items/MiscItem/Clutter in the CK so I imagine there should be a way to find out if they are "clutter" I hope that made sense and thank you in advance.
  2. just pushing it back since I got no answer.
  3. As the title implies, using ASIS is causing the black face bug with NPCs. Any help is appreciated! What I tried: messing around with priority order in MO2 (not load order) SSEedit: copying the NPC as overwrite from the NPC mod and then adding the ASIS changes. (saved as an esp tagged as esl though) So far (still early in the play through) beyond reach, immersive creature's humanoid actors and the men of skyrim (which I uninstalled though thinking it was the only one affected). Disabling the mods in question before running ASIS will probably fix the issue but if possible I would like to keep the benefits from it.
  4. I am not sure if I am understanding what you are trying to do but if you want to duplicate an item or move it IG without having to use the CK jaxonZ positioner is what you are looking for.
  5. I already posted this on the mod troubleshooting section but, like 60% of the other posts there were no answers so... I'll appologize for posting again. I am relatively new to all the 3D domain and for my 1st try I made a scythe that i finally imported correctly to skyrim (thanks to tarll who pointed out that I was using a totally outdated version of NIFskope thinking it was the latest one) for the textures I made quick ones for testing, they appeared totally black at first so I made the environment map a little brighter using mudbox and.... http://i.imgur.com/h9X0nb9.jpg I have no idea why the hell it looks like that now... environment map after remaking it: http://i.imgur.com/fd9GtSp.png
  6. I am relatively new to all the 3D domain and for my 1st try I made a scythe that i finally imported correctly to skyrim (thanks to tarll who pointed out that I was using a totally outdated version of NIFskope thinking it was the latest one) for the textures I made quick ones for testing, they appeared totally black at first so I made the environment map a little brighter using mudbox and.... http://i.imgur.com/h9X0nb9.jpg I have no idea why the hell it looks like that now... as a side note shouldn't the environment map be in black and white? because mine looks like this... http://i.imgur.com/4QkwiHg.png edit: remade them (correctly this time) http://i.imgur.com/fd9GtSp.png but they still look the same in game exactly the same
  7. did you run the Dual sheath redux patcher after installing it? are you using a mod manager to install your mods or are you doing it manually? edit: dunno if you did it by mistake or on purpose but you double posted
  8. updated any of them? -try using TESVedit to see if there is any missing masters although, if you really didn't touch a thing, I doubt you will find any.​ -if you have any enb try disabling it and see if that solve the problem. -if none of the above works launch a new game with the same mods--->works? your save is corrupted (probably) --->doesn't work? try launching this game with no mods:---> works now?try reenabling your mods by small groups until you find the one responsible. ---> still doesn't work? check your local files with steam - altternatively you could try enabling logs from the .ini, launch the game again and then post the .txt file hoping that someone can help you with it because I am unlikely to understand it.
  9. yes everything is set correctly as seen here: http://i.imgur.com/NJTTerj.png and the textures are working (not sure about the .dds ones) but if photoshop plugin works correctly then they should work like their .png counterpart. I didn't know that it goes against the rules of the site so I am sorry for requesting for that. and if you import meshes to skyrim would you mind telling me what version are you using?
  10. this is a bit of an unusual request but does anyone still have the installer of an older version of NifSkope, by "older version" I mean a version that can properly handle UVs or whatever. I basically made a custom meshes for a weapon along with the textures(normal, environement, and specular) they both work fine in mudbox and and maya but once imported to NifSkope the meshes load but the textures don't and a google search revealed that it is appearently coming from the newer versions of nifSkope not loading .obj properly. I couldn't find a download link on the internet so I am hoping one of you guys can upload it or if there is a way to manually fix NifSkope or something. I'd appreciate that a lot. and thanks in advance
  11. alright problem solved it seems to be related to the way C4D exports .obj files when you have multiple parts attached, did exactly the same manipulation in maya and it imported correctly but not perfectly there are weird lines on the meshes (without the textures and the textures will probably look awkward) but I'll see how they are IG and make another thread if the problem isn't solved.
  12. noticed it after replying but I'll leave my answer anyway in case he decides to read or SO else with the same problem shows up
  13. LOOT may put convenient horses at the begining of your LOOT order and that's what it usually does. although the mod author didn't mention it convenient horses needs to be as close to the end as possible just before the patches and the other mods that specifically mentionned that they should be at the end otherwise it won't work properly. also, did you follow correctly the instructions to install all of your mods? what mod manager are you using? is your skyrim up to date? and lastly did you try "setStage SKI_ConfigManagerInstance 1" (without " )
  14. I'll start by saying that I searched for +1hour before posting, there sure were a lot of threads about missing meshes but none of them was answered or the answers weren't really helpful. So I've been following TheMalfazar tutorial on importing a custom mesh into Skyrim and using LeckerHamster's for a visual reference. I expoted daedricwarhammer.obj from daedricwarhammer.nif, imported it to C4D R16 and 'file>merge' with my mesh so that I can rescale and position it correctly. Then I deleted the daedricwarhammer mesh. everything went smoothly so far (like the 2 tutorials at least) I am ready to export: http://i.imgur.com/pcSSdys.png and that is what I did. then I had to reopen daedricwarhammer.nif and import my newly created .obj file and that is when the problems started: material "initialShadingGroup" not found in mtllib Error: 12632 invalid index(es) in block # 24 NiTriShapeData.Triangles and..... only a part of the mesh imported (it was in the right spot/scale though) http://i.imgur.com/Z0tPZHi.png I think it is worth mentionning that importing the .obj before merging/rescaling... import correctly but since the position, scale and rotation are too different it is unusable. I'd appreciate any help I can get and thanks in advance. I tried to detail as much as I could since all the other threads about it weren't answered and I hope that this will get one. edit: I am using the latest version of NifSkope (1.1.3)
  15. After several days of work (not enough time and I am new to all this stuff) I finally succeeded in finishing my scythe http://i67.tinypic.com/fbkp79.png Now all what I need to do is to export and texture it before implementing it to skyrim. The problem is that I got no idea about how to do that and most of the videos/tutorials are with C4D. I'd appreciate if anyone helped me out and saved my efforts from going to waste. thanks in advance
  16. hello! it has all been said in the title i have 3ds max 2016 and I need to open the female skeleton.nif for the animation but the problem is that the nif plugin only support 3ds to 2013, i even tried to put the 2013 plugin in thhe 2016 version and it resulted in a crash anyway, i'd like to open .nif files within 3ds max so... is there another way to do so? also can anyone take up their work since they appearently stoped working on it? thank you all in advance ps: if there is a 3rd party software that can convert .nif to a format that 3ds can read and then convert it back to .nif i'd also appreciate that thanks again
  17. not at all not even the intel GPU just NVIDIA ps: before reinstalling there were only intel's GPU. actually the launcher never showed more than one option in the drop menu
  18. and it doesn't seems like the fps improved but it became even less now its around 17fps while it used to be around 40 with higher ini configuration edit: by "used to be" i don't mean before this "clean reinstallation" but before these problems appeared. Before reinstalling the driver it was around 20fps
  19. hey and sorry for making multiple threads (2nd thread in 2 days) but each solved problem makes another problem after alot of research and testing about my skyrim using the wrong GPU i decided to make a clean reinstall of my drivers using AMD detect utility this time instead of normally finding my drivers on Toshiba's site the installation finished properly and so i launched skyrim with the launcher that redetected my system configuration and set it directly to ultra high quality (wich surprised me since my GPU is not that great) i looked to the GPU being used and i found "NVIDIA Geforce 8800 GS" i looked in skyrimprefs.ini and found sD3DDevice="NVIDIA Geforce 8800 GS"I don't have an NVIDIA i have an AMD Radeon R9 M265X should i just ignore it or do I need to do something?
  20. regarding disabling the built in GPU i red about it some time ago and it seems that its better to keep it enabled (forgot the reasons though)
  21. first thank you for the reply at least that made me understand where the problem came from and no the DLL didn't improve performance but now that i know what the problem is i can make a more cibled search meanwhile all answers are welcome
  22. hello, due to some problems i ended up with a default ini file so while i was 'tweaking' it again i found this http://i62.tinypic.com/2cndvl2.png the GPU is the built in one i am not sure if i need to change it since normally the system should know what GPU to use i don't even know what that SD3DDevice means well it seems pretty logical to think that it refers to the GPU used but i d rather be sure and to avoid making another topic can anyone explain what these lines (especially the last one) means its from a log generated after a CTD full path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\ redirecting CreateDevice initialising shader environment unable to create depthStencilSurface (hr=-2005530516) thaks
  23. hello! first of all i am sorry for the title that doesn't explain anything but i couldn't find better words (english isn't my native language nor my second language) I guess screenshots are better than wods so i'll keep the words to a minimum http://i57.tinypic.com/2e5l3cg.jpg there is nothing wrong with it if not the darkness wich is obviously from the new enb I installed now look at this when i take the torch http://i58.tinypic.com/n6t5zd.jpg I am not sure since when the problem appeared as my last ENB was a little bit too bright and i didn't have to use a torch what i am sure about is that its not coming from ENB; at least not from the effects ( i tried disabling them SHIFT + F12 and it was the same) i really don't know where its coming from i'd appreciate any help I can get with this thanks again
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