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Everything posted by guygaming

  1. Hi there, I've only stumbled on this now. I can't believe no one answered your post, I think it's a great idea. Like you I have no skills at modding, I wish I did because then I really would, even this late to the pc elements. I've just made a post about two elements/mods I'd like to see. Being able to send Theresa to Pribyslavitz, although it would require the player to have romanced her and could work in conjunction with the Henry's Castle at Pribyslavitz mod (but not necessary, it'd just make it super weird them living together in the vanilla version of the Rathaus so would make sense if it worked in conjunction with Henry's Castle at Pribyslavitz. Another one that could work in conjunction with, but not necessary would be the Give Alms mod is the ability to send Skalitz refugees from Rattay to Pribyslavitz (I'd leave Kunesh, Tonda and the guy who tries to get you to steal for him at Rattay, the rest I'd all send to Pribyslavitz lol) to start their lives afresh where you could either let them continue their lives how they wish but without having to beg or to give them jobs, so you could appoint them to woodcutting, gardening, hunting, or assign them to the garrison/guardhouse (which I realize that the coding on that would probable be pretty tricky I'd imagine). I think it'd be great and would give the player a real sense of satisfaction, even though a game, that they have really helped people. I think it'd also be great to see Theresa walking around the village in another dress or walking around the castle. I also think there really needs to be a bathhouse mod in Pribyslavitz, another thing that has never made sense is that Warhorse never put a bathhouse in the building aspect. Another one I really want to see is a mod that actually works that changes Warhorse Jenda's colour, so four choices between chestnut, bay, dark bay or black. The mod that changes her colour to bay doesn't work.
  2. Howdy fellow Knight's, I hope you're well. Glad to see the modding community is still adding and updating various mods for the game. I do wish I knew how to mod so I could create my own mods but I can't so the best I can do is think of mods. This game is timeless, I've never been able to get enough, so much so I had to buy a gaming pc in order to mod the heck out of it. One thing I have never been comfortable with is the fact that you have a) never been able to send Skalitz refugees to Pribyslavitz or b) once you and Theresa have done the deed and are an item you could get her to join you in Pribyslavitz but would only work had you romanced her (instead of just sleeping with her and then going wam, bam thank you ma'am) and either could also work in conjunction with either the Give Alms mod or the Henry's Castle at Pribyslavitz mod. Imagine having Theresa in another dress walking around Pribyslavitz and walking around the castle (if you have it installed), it'd be cool. And then having the Skalitz refugees with new homes in Pribyslavitz as opposed to struggling in Rattay. I think they are both options that Warhorse should have included in the game. I've never liked the fact that I have been able to give Kunesh a woodcutters job, he's an ungrateful, nasty piece of work (in fact, I once asked him how it was and he was rude so I (Henry) beat him up so I'd rather have given the job to one of the other refugees and left Kunesh as the only struggling Skalitz refugee in Rattay, mind you, both he and Tonda, horrible characters, both of them. Those are just a couple of mods floating around in my head. The other one is a mod that actually works that changes Warhorse Jenda's colour from being a grey to a black, chestnut or bay. the one making her a bay horse one no longer works so don't know why it is still in the mods.
  3. Hi all, I've literally just ventured into PC gaming in order to mod the hell out of KCD and RDR2 (though I have already messed up RDR2 lol) but I need some help with the Henry sucks (DLC SAVES) MOD. I've played this numerous times on console so now just wanna have some fun. Is there anyone that can help me with this? What I've done is manually download the mod from Nexus, gone to my local disk > users > Gamer > Saved Games > Kingdom Come > Saves > and this is where I become unstuck. I have the folders playline1 (that I created, before it was playline0) and rataje. I've dropped the save001.whs file below rataje and that hasn't helped. I have also dropped it into playline1 folder to see if that helps and that hasn't helped either, in fact, it just deleted itself from the folder. I keep starting in Skalitz. Is there anyone that could help me here, I'm meant to be starting in Rattay. I am a complete novice so any help would be gratefully accepted :smile: PS. I also created a saved games folder in case that helped, nothing is working. PPS. Don't worry worry folks, I see like a typical community these days you have been so helpful, thanks!
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