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  1. A couple of those faces might make a good base for customizing your look. Skin texture makes a big difference as well.
  2. I'm having the EXACT same problem! I'm not an expert, but I'm hardly a noob at this, either. I haven't messes with Perks since Fallout 3. Any time I created new perk, I'm having this problem. Even have it when I simply make a newformID from a perk. I KNOW I'm not ticking some box or whatnot, but I don't know what that box is! Help, pretty please?
  3. Trying to make a mod where the companion switches in to a specific type of armor when certain dialogue is accessed by player. The armor then needs to dequip, and the armor the npc was previously using needs to re-equip. I thought I read that the game automatically chooes the 'better' armor. What I'm trying to find out is this: what stat does the game use to make that decision? Thanks
  4. Yeah. If it's an npc, drop the npc in some cell in GECK. Now, go to that NPC and click it. This should bring-up a box. Top window will be blank, the one below it will have the NPC's name. What ever you name the NPC in the top box will be what you use for your ref. So: An npc named JoeRef, you would say JoeRef.additem Killbots 5000
  5. I traveled around freeside areas to see if I could get it to trigger.
  6. Thanks Aragron, but it did not work. The getlevel req works, but only when I take out the geincell. I had player.getinworldspace freesideworld ==1. It saved the script fine, but it doesn't fire when that qualifier is present.
  7. scn Genericscript Begin gamemode MYNPCref.Startconversation Player Killtopic end =========================================== The script works, it does what I want it to do. Unfortunately, I don't know how to make it NOT do it until: 1) The Player is at least 15th level and 2) Tha player is in Freeside. As it's written, MYNPCref tries (understandably) to execute the script. When my Player is near MYNPcref, is get a 'zooming in', as if it's starting the conversation topic, then a 'zooming out' when the conversation topic (which is set in the quest dialogue options to not appear as a dialogue option with MYNPC until player is at least 15th level, and in a Freeside Cell) realizes my player isn't 15thlevel and currently in Freeside. Thoughts, or am I not being specific enough?
  8. Hi, new at this. 1) Trying to create a script that will force start (startconversation) between a player and npcref1. It's a one line conversation. At end, npcref2 is (moveto) player.ref. He is set to frenzy and proceeds to try and kill player. 2) Conditions for it to fire are that the player>=level 15 AND player is in a freeside cell. 3) I have attached the script as a quest. 4) It is set to begin ongame (or gamemode, whatever) The above WORKS. My problem is this: everytime the player.ref comes near npcref1, and player.ref does not meet both of the above specifications (min. level and required cell location), the script fires by moving the view in, then out. The character is screwed-up from that point on. What I WANT to do is make it so that the quest script won't fire UNTIL the player is level>=15 and in a Freeside cell. Like I said, I'm real new at this. I'm sure it's very simple. I've been scouring scripts in GECK and on websites for hours. Thought I'd throw it up here. thanks
  9. Thanks to both of you posters. I set her aggression to unagressive, that did the trick. Now, if I someone can tell me how to make her canibalize corpses, lol.
  10. I made an orphan follower for a companion-a pet for the companion, if you will. Pretty much just a follow package for the ai. Problem is, she always attacks member who are not in factions in which she is. In other words, unless I add every possible faction, I think she will assault whomever she comes upon. I made an option for the player to tell his companion to send her home. And since she is supposed to be an insane feral child, it's kind of funny I guess. thoughts?
  11. do you have enhanced shaders, by chance. If so, try updating view, then disabling it (shift-f12). Actually, if that was the issue, you wouldn't see any image in the window.
  12. I have a working teleport script that, for some reason, works only if it's a .esp. If I change the plugin to a .esm, it ceases to fire. Any thoughts given such vague information?
  13. I created a mod that is dependent upon another mod being present. Fallout New Vegas will not load if you try using only my mod. My mod changes the damage value of a weapon that is specific to the other mod. Is it against site rules to offer my mod up for download? I'm not re-uploading other creator's resources, just an .esp I made that modfies said damage. Any input from a moderator would be welcome, as I do not wish to be banned.
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