scn Genericscript Begin gamemode MYNPCref.Startconversation Player Killtopic end =========================================== The script works, it does what I want it to do. Unfortunately, I don't know how to make it NOT do it until: 1) The Player is at least 15th level and 2) Tha player is in Freeside. As it's written, MYNPCref tries (understandably) to execute the script. When my Player is near MYNPcref, is get a 'zooming in', as if it's starting the conversation topic, then a 'zooming out' when the conversation topic (which is set in the quest dialogue options to not appear as a dialogue option with MYNPC until player is at least 15th level, and in a Freeside Cell) realizes my player isn't 15thlevel and currently in Freeside. Thoughts, or am I not being specific enough?