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About ObLars

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  1. Hello. So recently i came from a rather long hiatus from Skyrim, and i want to add a mod for myself, but i can't for the life of me find the resources i need to write a script i need. I need a script that is used when i throw a spell, and i want the spell to add and equip an item to an actor (npc) , aswell as force them into a faction. How can this be done? Are there any guides out there that ive overlooked? Thanks in advance :-)
  2. Hello. Im working on something i found to be quite genious, but i can't really reveal it yet. I do however, (sadly) need help to make it a reality. :pirate: Is there any way to make an item spawn another item on drop. I would like to make an item drop on the ground, creating a static/activator object when it lands. Any ideas?
  3. Hello. I need to figure out what it is that keeps track of the "Bunnies Slaughtered". I need to add a new "stat tab" in the general stats tab. Anyone got an idea? I want to amount of Deer/Elk i've killed to show up in the General Stats. Any ideas?
  4. Hello. :happy: Recently i've been working on a Fort mod. Where you kill the dwellers and take the castle as your home. Which features is a must-have for this kind of mod?
  5. Hello. :laugh: So, i've made a new island, but right now i can't for the life of me figure out how to make a working ferryman. Would anyone be kind enough to give me a small tutorial on how to do this?
  6. What i've been trying to do is to disable them through a script. But the CK does not acknowledge the Disable() function somehow.. I might just do as you first mentioned, go in and place actors instead of spawn points. I don't know though. Thanks for the response. :biggrin:
  7. Hello. I need to know how i could go about clearing a spesific location for good. I don't want this spesific location to ever respawn it's creatures/enemies. How can i do this? I should probably point out that im trying to do so through a script.. :psyduck:
  8. I guess not. What conditions do i need, and where? :psyduck:
  9. Hello. Im quite new with the whole modding scene, and i can't for the life of me figure out how the Quest Markers work. I got a quest where i need to kill a spesific person, but i would like a quest marker to show above his head. He's a target in my quest, an Alias. With the "Quest Object" ticked. Anyone know what i've done wrong?
  10. Hello. Where would i put a "Myquest.Setstage (10)" in here? ScriptName defaultActivateSelf extends objectReference {Default script that simply activates itself when player enters trigger} import game import debug bool property doOnce = TRUE auto {Fire only once? Default: TRUE} bool property disableWhenDone = FALSE auto {Disable after activating? Default: FALSE} bool property playerOnly = TRUE auto {Only Player Triggers? Default: TRUE} bool property playerAndAlliesOnly = False Auto {Only player or Allies/Followers/Summons trigger? Overrides playerOnly if that's true as well. Default: TRUE} int property minLevel auto {Optional: If set, player must be >= minLevel to activate this} Faction property PlayerFaction Auto Faction property CurrentFollowerFaction Auto Package property Follow Auto Package property FollowerPackageTemplate Auto ;************************************ auto State waiting Event onTriggerEnter(objectReference triggerRef) Actor actorRef = triggerRef as Actor ; check whether we care if the player is activating if(actorRef == game.getPlayer() || (playerAndAlliesOnly && IsPlayerAlly(triggerRef)) || (playerOnly == False && playerAndAlliesOnly == False)) ; also check level (if we even care about that) if(minLevel == 0 || game.getPlayer().getLevel() >= minLevel) if doOnce == TRUE gotoState("allDone") endif if disableWhenDone Self.Disable() EndIf ; per the description of this script, pass self as the activating ref activate(self) endif endif endEvent endState bool Function IsPlayerAlly(ObjectReference triggerObj) Actor triggerAct = (triggerObj as Actor) ;Short-circuit this if this isn't an Actor at all, or if it's hostile to the player. if (triggerAct == None || triggerAct.GetFactionReaction(GetPlayer()) == 1) return False EndIf ;Is this a summon or one of the various types of player followers? return ((triggerAct.IsCommandedActor()) || \ (triggerAct.GetRelationshipRank(GetPlayer()) > 0) || \ (triggerAct.IsInFaction(CurrentFollowerFaction)) || \ (triggerAct.IsPlayerTeammate()) || \ (triggerAct.GetCurrentPackage().GetTemplate() == Follow) || \ (triggerAct.GetCurrentPackage().GetTemplate() == FollowerPackageTemplate)) EndFunction ;************************************ State allDone ;do nothing endState ;************************************
  11. I couldn't get that to work, but like i said. Im quite the newb :/ Thanks a lot though. :thumbsup:
  12. Hello! :biggrin: So i need help setting up a trigger. What im trying to do is to start a quest once i enter this specific cell (CrackedTuskKeep01). But i can't for the life of me figure out how triggers work. I might add that im quite the beginner with the Creation Kit, or any Kit, for that matter. So what im asking/requesting help with, is a tutorial, or a helping hand in the right direction to accomplish this. I guess i would need a script of sorts, how would this look? Any help would be very appriciated, thank you. :psyduck:
  13. Hello! I want a quest to start once i enter a specific cell. How can i do this?
  14. How this this work? Is it "Event OnDeath(Reference" ?
  15. Hello. Im making a quest where i need to kill 8 different NPC's. I've set up a new script etc. But i need to know which functions i could use. Right now it's "Event OnDeath(Actor killer)" But that one makes the quest proceed once i've killed one of the bandits, whilst i need something to work for 8 npc's. Anyone know which function would work better? Any help would be appriciated :)
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