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Everything posted by TVPR

  1. This thread is the #1 Google result for "Fallout 3 neck seam fix" – which, incidentally, is how I found it ;) At any rate, as there are now plenty of fixes to make the game work with Windows 7 and later, maybe the community will get a small revival? I choose hope, seeing how F3 is vastly superior to F4.
  2. I get you, I really do. I used to work at a tech/gaming/stuff news site, and as you've probably guessed, the tech/gaming/stuff-news audience are ahead of the curve on pretty much everything. Ad-blocking is no exception. I just got my supporter status, mainly because I bloody love this site, but the thing which triggered it was the auto-redirecting ads. And yeah, it is ENDEMIC. Never reported anything though, "why would I"? Suddenly finding myself on fornicating aliexpress every second visit is not a lot of fun. It even prompted me to reinstall Windows, just to be sure it hadn't infected me with something, as well as install an adblocker plugin for the first time (outside my mobile - it's vital there, but on my PC's I like supporting sites I visit). And yeah, I really do like supporting the pages I visit. Sometimes the ads are even relevant. I actually do turn it off the adblocker for quality sites like this, but the alibaba etc. hustlers make it too risky. Damned if I know what other scrips they might decide to run on my machine, you know? That said, people who refuse to pay will always find a way. My old job tried blocking adblockers, found they switched to adblocker-blocker-blockers, developed new blocks and so on, which only led to phrases like "nice new adblocker-blocker-blocker-blocker-blocker-blocker-blocker-blocker, how long till it's been breached?" I could always find a way to block ads here, and so could anyone else. I finally decided to buy my way to supporter status for now, maybe I'll go premium later. That's because you're good people, giving us a good service. I was an unregistered lurker for ages, and I've been a freeloading registered user for a while. But I would have been happy seeing ads, even if that meant getting lower download speeds and otherwise cruising by. That doesn't work anymore, though. Even if 1/100 are of the non-approved sort you outlined in your post, that disrupts your whole business model, as it incites people to find a way around it. Actually taking a serious stance against redirecting, script-using, aggressive and malicious advertisers, that's prolly the most profitable thing any ad-supported site can do. I hope you mean it when you say you're serious about it. I honestly hope you can get enough users to fork up the dough to keep the place running, growing and improving. The Nexus is, after all, just that – a nexus for us poor, huddled millions of people who routinely fork over hundreds of dollars to AAA developers, only to be disappointed that whatever they made can be made better by a bunch of volunteer modders contributing for free. s#*!, I even hope people end up donating more to the modders; I've only done so once myself. But we need this site. The alternative is some kind of bloody geocities-lookalike hellscape. Nobody wants that. TL;DR: Fork over some money, people, but fear the malicious Chinese.
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