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About Okhotsk

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  1. I'm already getting kind of tired of this game....I'm not sure what the CK can add now. I want mods to enhance my experience of the game...but I've already run out of new game experiences to experience. Could have had a lot of fun with the CK a month and a half ago...but now it's kind of like..."eh, another playthrough just so I can use (ck made) mods? I don't know." You can only play through so many times before it seems like the only thing interesting in the game anymore is the mods.
  2. Real gladiators were slaves and stuff. I'm not suggesting slavery, but maybe the arena content could be triggered by being abducted or something and forced to fight in the arena. Or maybe it only triggers when you get sent to jail and you get the opportunity to become a gladiator. Either way, it would offer an interesting way to remove the player's item and force the player to use weapons supplied by the arena itself. Fights don't have to necessarily be against harder enemies, but they will certainly be harder if you're forced out of your double enchanted armor and weapons and jewelery and into some (custom made) gladiator armor and weapons. Haha, some star trek style "grab whatever you can and kill the guy" type of fights...that could be interesting. Different weapons lying all over the place...which would make the fight interesting, if you and your opponents weapon preferences matched up. I think no matter what, you'd have to find some way to make the skyrim arena more "nord"...since the oblivion arena was somewhat imperial (they are romanesque after all). making it nord culturally relevant would be cool...i always thought the arena in oblivion was random.
  3. I just thought of another mechanic i would like better than two spells... single hand cast = iron -> silver dual cast = silver -> gold not only that, the extra cost for dual cast would sort of balance out the silver to gold OPness (in my opinion). if someone else doesn't do it, im certainly going to try to work it out myself.
  4. Specifically, something a khajiit would like. Maybe a redguard. Both tend to have Arab-like styles. I'd like to see something like... http://www.artehistoria.jcyl.es/granbat/jpg/BAJ09924.jpg Would that not be badass to see a khajiit in that? Some other sorta examples http://s2.noelshack.com/uploads/images/8480725002684_the_moors_the_islamic_west_7th15th_centuries_ad_06.jpg http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ3CxnyDpYB76OpREgP0JICM_6jbA1VLRv7DB57OuempljzGsYuhIwJ9kv5 Basically armor which covers a lot of the body, yet is made of relatively light stuff (quilted armor, chainmail) and isn't too bulky. I don't like all these armors with colossal pauldrons as big as your head...and I feel like khajiit never get any cool armor.
  5. Do we really need more armors that make you die of hypothermia? Seeing as nords are resistant to cold and all that, I'm guessing they don't have that much a problem with hypothermia. Besides...what's it matter to you what someone else requests? Please...don't answer that. I will second this request.
  6. I'd like to see a mod where you can make your own map markers, preferably with notes. Add and remove them in game via the map. Hover over them to see notes about them or something. Make them simple pins and maybe make color coding possible. They would probably need to be somewhat unobtrusive since I or someone else might want to add many of them. They wouldn't have to be fast travelable, just marking locations would be enough. I just want to mark things like ore veins, nirnroot, or maybe just interesting things in general. The limit 1 custom marker in the game now is pointless. I don't know how much or if any of this is possible. I think there were some like it in oblivion.
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