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  1. OMG DigitalVixen you are brilliant!!!!! Thank you!!!
  2. Hello, Locaster has given me control the mod. (He is a really great guy) You can see this on the description page: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/16374/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D16374%26preview%3D&pUp=1 I'm not new to modding this mod as I used to work on it allot with him. He managed to get my name on as an author but we are waiting for an Admins assistance because we can't seem to get the admin page (to edit the file and description etc) to show up for me. For now I'm going to see if I can get all the bugs ironed out myself. If I get stuck, I'll ask for help in the proper thread because I love ths mod and think it should be perfect. Just posting this as a follow up as to why I started this thread.
  3. not without permission from the author I've emailed him about taking over the mod (I used to help him with it) So hopefully he will let me.
  4. Yeah I don't think anyone makes that much money off donations to support themselves. Am I allowed to "ask" for someone to fix another authors mod? Or is that frowned on?
  5. Ok Understood, thanks for the info. You can delete this thread if you like.
  6. Offer to pay or *donate* to a modder to fix a mod for me here? Or is that against the rules?
  7. Hello :smile: Does anyone remember the name of the mod that adds a player house. If I remember correctly, you got to it from a waterfall which took you to a small cave with a guy in it. In the cave I believe there was a garden system. You talked to the guy (may have had to do some mission or something, cant remember) and he transported you to this cool home. You could click buttons and change scenery in one place, you could go to a dock outside in a space in the home. I think it gave you potions to get there? EDIT: I found it! Its called "Amethyst Hollows Dreamworld"
  8. Ok thanks for the response EDIT: Oh!! Ok I understand, I thought you cut the speed we can download at for each file permanently, So I was thinking that after we download one file, the next two files we download, when ever that would be, would be at half speed, and so on until any file we download would be so slow that it would be pointless.. Ugg sorry, my bad. ANOTHER EDIT: And yes I'm an idiot for completely misunderstanding the new download system lol
  9. QUOTE If you download 2 files, you'll download at 500kb/second for each file. 4 downloads would be 250kb/sec per file. And so on and so forth. Does this ever get reset in time? Or does it eventually dwindle to nothing until we are forced to find another site to get mods from, sorry if you mentioned this but I didn't see it anywhere and Ive just noticed this post (Been taking a break from Skyrim). It will defiantly reduce the amount of downloading from here from non-premium members thats for sure. Ive drastically reduced the number of mods I have installed and have to keep updated and once a mod works well (ie no crashes like bathing beauties 5.0) I simply stop updating it so I can save my downloads for important mods like Skyre (And no more armor or companion mods for me, but I have a ton now anyway) I paid to download here before, but unfortunately my life has dramatically changed and I simply can't afford to pay to download free mods anymore hell Im lucky if I pay the rent on time :(
  10. Ok thanks, I just wanted to be sure that WB and BOSS could handle everything :) Thanks for the reply!
  11. Hello, Ive played all of the Elder Scrolls games, but I now have Fallout 3, it seems very familiar mod wise to the ES games, I grabbed the top mods as I dont know anything yet about FO3 Wanders mod Fellout Weapon Mods Kit etc.. a few others, anyway.. There seems to be allot of different and same tools, so I was wondering, can I get away with using NMM, Wyre Bash with BOSS and be ok playing the game or do I need to learn to use other tools as well to get FO3 to run smooth with mods? Thanks for any advise :)
  12. Thanks for the reply, I'll try it out now :) EDIT: YES! You are brilliant! Works perfectly, Thank you very much! Kudos for you :)
  13. Hello, Im working on a world space, and the door that connects to it will not bring along followers. We have tried everything and the entire navmesh has been redone by hand. days have been spent, and it simply will not work (trust me on this lol) Anyway, thats not why Im here, as we are well past that, I have a simple fast travel script on the doors as even normal move.to teleport wont take followers. Scriptname LBCityGate02 extends ObjectReference ObjectReference Property TeleportMarker auto Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) Game.FastTravel(TeleportMarker) EndEvent There are two things I am wondering, the doors now work and all followers go through, but if a NPC uses the door and the Player is near by.. he teleports too, I tried to stop it, but when I do, followers wont teleport again, Im just wondering if theres a easy way to add a check so that the player and his followers wont teleport if a npc uses the door, without having to stop NPCs using it and won't break the followers teleporting with the player as fast travels seems to be the only command that will work. The second thing is when you use the door (ie open it) and teleport, the door stays open until the next time you use it, I was wondering how to make the door automatically return to the closed position after it is used. Thanks for any help in this matter :)
  14. Thanks, does that mean that we should only use one or two race add mods? or can we use allot? Thanks for your time for answering be, and Im sure you vets have answered this question a million times for people like me :( but thanks all the same :) see my stuff: Active Mod Files: dont suppose from mabey previous skill you can look at my stuff and tell me what to get rid of?
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