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About Brittn

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    United States
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    What your playing in which case its prob. Skyrim! :O
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    eehhh..they are all some what good..on thier own levels...of goodness.

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  1. Aha, Spring Break. What a great week to leave off at. Foodfights, students and cops getting pepper sprayed in the eyes, and Yo Mamma jokes. hummmm....what a fun and lively week, and it makes up for the past 4 years it has been dead -sortta-.
    1. Flintlockecole


      Gotta love pepper spray. Tazers suck, but a thick coat foils them.
    2. Brittn


      ehehhe, we all wished we knew why it happened ^^
    3. Deleted54170User


      I hope it did not hurt. "Snicker" Spring, sprung when I had sat on it and pressed it down and up I shot like a bird, looking like a clown. Such a surprised look, looked like a smile as I was falling upside down. Now it's a frown while I am standing on my head. Spring Break, Oh! Dread! Any one for a cup of tea. OooweeEee!
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