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About Brittn

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    United States
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    What your playing in which case its prob. Skyrim! :O
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    eehhh..they are all some what good..on thier own levels...of goodness.

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  1. I met a spawn of satan today...if it wasnt him, himself possessing a small little girl
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    2. vvk78




      Just kidding, I love horses, and riding them can be fun, especially on a sandy beach.

    3. Brittn


      vvk78: Yesh I did know that about Mr. Reeve, and yesh I do know all that stuff have been kicked on many a times this week by little ponies and stepped on, almost got bucked off today cause Lucky didnt like the crop all that much ^^" OH and were takin the kids out to the beach 2marrow for a beach trail ride....have to muck out all the stalls before 9 or I cant go -_-
    4. Deleted54170User


      I get it! The bosses daughter is testing you. Too be tested by the bosses daughter is like an opening interview for a better paying job. Ooo! You must have some serious shine on if the bosses daughter is giving you the what for?
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