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About Brittn

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    United States
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    What your playing in which case its prob. Skyrim! :O
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    eehhh..they are all some what good..on thier own levels...of goodness.

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  1. I have been told all my life what I cant do, never once was I told what I could do. Not once was I told that I have a mind that I can escape into. That I have a mind that will let me fly on wings of butterflies and dance with fire-flies on a mid Summers night. That I have a mind that is beautiful, but that is also dark.
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      Have you ever been reading and suddenly you switched over to writing remarks about the word's you read only to later find what you wrote and wonder what you were thinking and what inspired it? I have been training my self to make footnotes adding the author whose words gave me a pinch to write on the subject, I also have been trying to remember to put a little foot note next to their name to remind me where I found their word's. I get so fired up though when I am writing I still mor...
    3. Deleted54170User


      ...e often than not switch off the website before I remember. I'll get it with practice, but I keep getting so deeply indulging that I loose track of time and really just feel exhausted. All I want to do is quit and rest. That's when I need to remember to copy and paste their name, website address, or book title in my footnote's. I'll get in the habit better one of these day's. Then I won't be going off in my post's and forgetting those who inspired me and the f...
    4. Deleted54170User


      ...older I used will be brim full of good and bad things I thought they inspired as I was drifting along like a leaf in the stream of life.
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