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About Brittn

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    United States
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    What your playing in which case its prob. Skyrim! :O
  • Favourite Game
    eehhh..they are all some what good..on thier own levels...of goodness.

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  1. Something new, that I hope you all join in on! :3 http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/699426-write-in-tune/
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    2. Deleted54170User


      I am getting ready to take a drive in my car for another road trip. Since Route 66 no longer full length highway I changed to plan B. Going to places that were desolate small towns when I was a child. I went to Kalispell, MT last time and it has become a whopping California styul subburb. O.O Do you have your Summer months calendar filled with plans and ready to power up for your Summer activities?
    3. Brittn


      well somewhat. Im taking summer school so I can grad early next year, and then next week were going to Orlando to visit some family that is coming in from Mi. other than that....I have nothing really planned, everything is by ear for now.
    4. Deleted54170User


      I hear you. I took classes in the summer for extra cred's. Anthropology was one of them. Sounds like you have a plan and another is likely to emerge from it after that was is nearing an end. Enjoy! :- )
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