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Everything posted by Brittn

  1. **peekin back at ya**
  2. oh what ever! **hugs you and makes a new ghost sheep appear** :P
  3. he.he.he....hee..Gee-Wiz....I have no idea Blue......I have no idea what so ever.... **kicks whats left of the ghost sheep under a bush**....no idea what so ever...none... :x
  4. **hides behind tocky crying my eyes out over the loud rawr...**
  5. **sways in the wind awaiting for your arrival with my mother**

    .........this could take awhile :.........

  6. **dances and " accidental " punches you in the arm ** o.o
  7. zomg! no one has said any thing yet! o.O...well Ill but an end to that...let it bee known that today..Brittn was the first to write on your wall! HUAZAH! **stabs flag into ground**
  8. I live in a room in a house. Which is on a street and is in a nieghboorhood. And this nieghboorhood is in a city in a state of a county. Which adds into the 50 states of the United States (a country). And Huzah! This country is in a planet called Earth. Who is in the Milky-Way. Any Questions? Didn't think so.
    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Ithildin


      One extra for Brittn-panther, and another extra for Perrin- ... wolf. Just guessing. Carnivores like hot dogs, right?
    3. Perrinwolf


      yes. it's the 10% unknown that draws us carnivores in. :P
    4. Brittn


      Oh my! that is fresh spring water you say? Humm...I might have a story for you, tho one should never bribe a lady, it is dearly frowned upon in society. **tisk-tisk**
  9. thanks for the friend add horsie :P
  10. My Grrr is better than Jakies Rawr...and do you ever forget! >:D
  11. **turns into a tree and hides in the nearby woods** >:D....come find me...if you can
  12. ** returns as a ghost and haunts you ** hahahahah mumumu hahah
  13. If you only knew what was going on in my mind...if you only knew. No, srsly, cause then you could tell me and then I would have a reason to live. I would then have a reason to get up every morning, a reason to fight my way in this world and then a reason just to fall asleep in an empty bed every night. SO when you find out what is going on im my mind let me know. Casue I have no idea, and I wish I knew.
    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. Brittn


      Ill go and check it out ....


    3. Brittn


      FINE! just make this so friggen hard :\ ...... **tries to think of a new quest**
    4. Flintlockecole


      Holy Grail. Go find the bloodline of Jesus, then the church will fry you.
  14. poison...yummm....wait...nooooooooo....... **falls out of chair gasping for air**...my mom never told me not to accept tea from strangers.....whhhhhy didnt she warn me???whhhhy???
  15. Has red-ish hair now o.O
    1. HazardHighlanders2011


      cool. i bet it looks great
    2. HazardHighlanders2011


      cool. i bet it looks great
    3. Brittn


      **tries to unwrap the banner from my bow**...er nooooooo...I was never in a battle........never....>.>
  16. yummy...tea..... :3
  17. Daw srry to hear about your hand :( hope you feel better soon xoxoxo <3
  18. OH NO the dino is....waite...its back!....no need to panic. :P
  19. O: noooooooooo...impossible! You must be a god! o.o
  20. noooooo...not ham!!! o wait....spam??? YAY! I love spam ^.^
  21. he.he.he...I will never fall for your cake lie..NEVER! no matter how gentle your smile is...never...
  22. hummmm...what shall I make you do first?????....ooo! I know! Pat your head while rubbing your tummy in circles while doing the Cha-Cha slide! Lets see ya do that! >:D
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