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Everything posted by Dan3345

  1. Easily one of the most entitled posts on the nexus I've seen, and I've been here a while. The script extenders function that way to prevent you from breaking your own save. Either deal with it like an adult and stop talking down to people who provide you a free service, or stop modding fallout and play something else.
  2. Yeah thats always a good practice. I've had so much luck over the years with fallout 4 being stable and very few gamebreaking bugs that I got careless. Lesson learned I suppose.
  3. Yep Star it was. Weirdly though the glitch only happens when I start a new game with the mod installed. If i leave the vault and turn it on later it doesn't happen.
  4. Hmm so none of my mods should be doing this. And I even went so far as to turn them all off a few at a time and test and nothing is fixing it. Even turned off every mod in my load order minus the DLC's and he is still hostile. And it's weird because he is the only one who is hostile. The other BoS are not. Rhees and Hayley do not attack me and will even talk with me but as soon as the ghouls are dead Danse begins the attack. I am not wearing tesla coiled power armor Im not wearing any faction armor, I have been going out of my way to either not shoot at all or place my shots very carefully to make sure I don't hit and aggro Danse. nothing works. I had dogmeat with me, so I thought maybe he's aggroing me by accidentally hitting dogmeat. Nope, dismissed the dog still getting attacked. Turned off everything now. No mods, no dlc. Still getting attacked. I'm inclined to start a new save but then I could get back all the way over there only for it to happen again and still not know why it's happening.
  5. I am on a new game and Danse attacks me every single time after I help him kill the ghouls in front of cambridge police station. Im positive its a mod in my load order but so far I've been unable to narrow it down to which one. I've attached the export of my load order if anyone else wouldn't mind giving me suggestions on what I might try next.
  6. Ever since I saw that railroad safe house I realized how spectacular a player home up in a skyscraper would be. I don't have the time or the talent so I'm putting the idea out there. Basically it wouldn't be a buildable house just a nicely furnished small interior cell with a nice lookout over downtown boston from so high up. Not sure what else to say, if you think this is a good idea PM me I'd love to talk more about it.
  7. I am new to magic. I made a modern elf deck that is actually pretty good. Based around nettle sentinels, heritage druid, and shaman of the pack. Just wondering if there are any others on the nexus playing magic, and what decks are you all using? Play FNM or any GP's? And how did you do in those?
  8. Ok I thought about putting this question in FO4 Technical board, but this isn't really a technical question. Anyways my game a for a long time now has had my characters health stuck at -1hp. So my maximum health is 445 and I'm constantly at 444hp. I've used so many radaways to remove whatever radiation could be there, followed by purified waters, stimpacks etc to no avail. Anyone got any idea what I can do, or at least what is happening? Pip boy shows no active status affects.
  9. I'm not entirely sure how complex this would be, but if it's not to complicated could someone make a mod that gives you the option in chat or otherwise to dismiss a companion to a custom home? Again I don't know how hard this would be but I would think it should work contextually. So If I am in an interior cell and I ask the companion to consider it their home then I can dismiss them to it. I am actually thinking this might be a little tricky in fallout 4 with the addition of settlements. Thanks to anyone who takes a whack at this or even whoever tells me why it cannot be done right now. Edit: so for example this would be very similar if not the same as the mod for NV My home is your Home.
  10. I don't use bethesda.net, but the mods are exactly the same from a technical standpoint. Only possible issue might be load order sorting, but I cannot imagine that the mods from beth.net are not visible to mod managers.
  11. See the problem i have with that is the developers could have made that just to add to the "he is your son" bit. Anyways I did a better search and found more of these discussions, so with nothing more to add I'm to try and either let this go to rest, or see about getting this closed.
  12. I searched because I believed this would be an obvious topic of discussion and couldn't really find anything on this. Maybe I used the wrong search terms, anyways.. Why is the protagonist supposed to believe Shaun? I've completed every ending and the Institute one just left me with a sort of "are you serious?" Daddy wanders into the institute and is reunited with kiddo Shaun who is all grown up, but we're just supposed to take his word on it that he is the real Shaun and the protag just accepts this if you go down that road. It seems that even if the protag doesn't go along with the Institute he/she still sort of accepts that the old man before them is their kidnapped son. I completely get the coincidental nature of this, but to me this all seems too perfect. Anyone see this? I was talking with some buds about this and we were all kind of thinking the same thing.
  13. Wow thanks man! Really helpful information, this was exactly what I was looking for. I thought a ferrite core would usually be insulated, and even if it isn't would actually need to be surrounding an incoming signal, or current. Anyways thanks for the accurate information and schematics. Very useful! "Ferrite" gets thrown around a lot (the word comes from the Latin word for iron, ferrum, and it is generally used to describe (unsurprisingly) iron - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferrite) - it isn't a "ferrite bead" however (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferrite_bead) which are used to filter/reject high frequency noise (usually in/on wiring - you see them a lot on things like laptop power supplies' cords). Ah ok, gotcha. Well thanks for clearing that up.
  14. Wow thanks man! Really helpful information, this was exactly what I was looking for. I thought a ferrite core would usually be insulated, and even if it isn't would actually need to be surrounding an incoming signal, or current. Anyways thanks for the accurate information and schematics. Very useful! Edit: upon reading it sounds like an inductor might be very similar to ferrite core? They both act as chokes, or am I reading that wrong. I know a ferrite core blocks any excess noise on the wire, but it sounds like the inductor blocks AC. So it doesn't block noise?
  15. Yeah I knew that. Did you read my post? I asked about a specific part of the fan controller. Sorry, maybe I should have highlighted the copper circle in the top right corner of the fan controller.
  16. This is a fan controller built into my case. There is a copper circle thing. Kind of reminds me of a ferrite core but I know that's not it. I want to know because I'm worried about cable's being exposed to it. If someone could just tell me what it is that would be great. https://sta3-nzxtcorporation.netdna-ssl.com/uploads/product_image/image/193/large_06a374d8aefd13bd.jpg
  17. Thanks for the info everyone. I didn't know it was so simple to check edits I guess I should have surmised that based on looking at all the red edits. So I guess my question is now what am I looking for? Is there a guide to this? I checked out the edit guide for skyrim and New Vegas and didn't really understand the good edits from the bad. I have been assuming duplicate edits are very bad and anything with a red highlight is a potential conflict.
  18. I don't trust TESnip. I am very familiar with using the various TESedits, and FOedits for load order testing etc, but how safe are the mods created with these tools? I'm not worried about viruses I'm talking about things like save game bloat or improper edits messing something up down the road. Obviously each mod is different but there is anything to watch out for, or is it just a roll of the dice with these sorts of plugins? I haven't modded fallout 4 at all yet, and I am hesitant because these plugins made outside of the GECK concern me. Justified?
  19. In response to post #31559215. #31561365, #31561800 are all replies on the same post. Synaptics is the driver suite for your touchpad/trackpad. Now if you don't have a trackpad, and have never plugged one into your desktop I'd say it's weird that it's on there. but if it really is as you say the Synaptics Pointing Device, then I'd say its just the driver package.
  20. I am wondering if it's possible for me to have one installation for modding purposes and another vanilla one for testing? It's very tedious to have to uninstall all my mods to test one, etc etc. Please only suggest legal options.
  21. But I'm not. It's right there, in my data folder where it should be. I've done this a million times with success but for some reason on this new install I can't get it to see reqiuem.esp. It always quits and says I'm missing the reqiuem.esp plugin and to add it and try again. But I'm looking at it in my data folder. I have completely removed the "read only" requirement from every file tree under the skyrim folder in steam. Run it as administrator same problem. What is going on?
  22. *Edit* So it was obviously my fault. I found the problem and it was simply that I was applying a patch for animations I didn't have. So Lets have this remind others? If you get the T pose, it means animations are missing. And it could be simply caused by applying a FNIS patch that you don't have installed.
  23. I noticed there are two audio ports on my tv. One is for headphones the other is a green audio port. Not sure which one to use. Im uploading some cropped photo's of what realtek manager looks like when I plug in the line in cord from the tv.
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